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opinions on virgins, of both sexes. answer plz..

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hey everyone... i just want everyone's opinions on virgins. if you're with a girl/guy, or going to have sex with her/him, do you want them to be a virgin, or does it not matter to you, and why? (some say guys don't like "sloppy seconds", that they like to be the first, but some don't want an inexperienced girl. and girls sometimes trust a guy less if he isn't a virgin, but some want an experienced guy.) just tell me what you think...


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Well when I lost my virginity (i have only slept with the one guy) I was with a guy who was also a virgin and that was really nice. Now I wouldnt want to be with a really experienced guy maybe someone who had slept with 2 or 3 people would be ok. My reasoning for this is i suppose one of morals and STI related. I want to know that the guy Im sleeping with is having sex for the same reason as me...love, passion and trust. Not that he will just have sex with any girl that comes along. I wouldnt care if the guy was a virgin because thats nice I think. These days its not very common to find virgin guys my age (Im 21) In fact I dont think I know one. I know plenty of girls who are but no guys, I think thats a pity but what can I do about it?? Anyway these are just my thoughts.

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Hello Virgins and non Virgins.


I have many things to say. Fisrt i need to say I'm a Virgin my self. [i'm a guy, so dont pay attention to the pic].


I had many talks with girls about it. Most of the people had the image that if you are Virgin you are not cool and you are a geek. And thats not truth, people do it for many reasons. Religion, self respect, shyness...


Mine is Shyness. I think there is nothiung wrong with being a virgin. You have people that did it and didnt even enjoy it. I think people that loos it at age 20 +, enjoy more and get real stuff and satisfaction.


I know guys that are Virgin, trust me .... plenty, and from outside they look the coolest... but may be they are afraid of it or something..


AS one of my Friends said. Time will come, you are different , and you have other times to do that, nothing wrong with that.

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I actually still am a virgin...mostly because i'm not one of those guys that wants to have sex with just anyone. I honestly want to do it with someone that i really love and plan on being with for a long long time, like the girlfriend i have now. We've been dating for 9 months and we still havn't had sex, granted we did do other things...i don't know if this is bad or not but i really won't date a girl that has had sex before, i'm not trying to be a jerk or anything or say shes a bad person...but, i want to do that one special thing with someone that is as new at it as i am...

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I'm a virgin as well...22 year old male. I would have to say that on the one hand, I would like someone with more experience than I have...I have no qualms about learning a lot from my partner. In fact, I think I would find myself most comfortable in that role. But on the other hand, I've really planned on not having sex until marriage, and the person I'm currently dating is definitely not a virgin. We've talked about it, and she's done her best not to pressure me into anything...but at the same time, I almost sort of start pressuring myself into things, because I want to make her happy (Not that I wouldn't enjoy things myself, but I've had enough years of controlling myself to keep my own hormones in check). So I guess it really depends on your perspective.

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Hey, I'm a chick and I'm an 18 year old virgin. I used to think that I only ever wanted to sleep with a guy who was a virgin. It would be nice, because it would be a really big deal for both of you, and your sharing something. However right now the guy I really care about definitely isn't a virgin, he's my age but hasn't been in the V club for almost four years now. Initially that was a turn off because I thought it meant that sex wouldn't be a big deal for him like it woul dbe for me, but now that I know him better I've realised that if the guy cares about you, he'll care about it because it's YOUR first time. When it comes down to it, emotionally atleast for me, as long as your both important to each other, your V status isnt much of an issue. Sorry that was kind of a rant, but there it is

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Hi guys/gals! I am 21 and non virgin. To me, having sex is sharing that special connection with someone u love. It is not to be taken lightly. My current girlfriend was not a virgin when i first met her. I was 2nd to her while she was 1st to me. She told me she was a virgin before we went steady. (Her definition of virgin is that as long as the guy does not come inside her, its fine) I told her that her definition was wayward. I never planned for sex before marriage but on a passionate night, we did it. I have actually always wanted to marry a virgin but I have grown to love her just as much. I am still struggling to overcome the thought that she was not a virgin though mostly is becos that I feel that she doesn't treat mi in a special way. If she does, virgin or not does not really matter to mi, as I have told her that I am willing to spend the rest of my life with her. She just have to treat mi better. thereforeeee, I feel that if u are not a virgin when ur partner is, u shld try to treat ur other half more special, just to show that u care a nd that he/she is special.


This are only my personal thoughts. If u have any advice or comments for mi, do msg mi or reply.

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