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Rate know me and my ex who dated for 2 years and have been broken up for 3 months now are finally doing the no contact for a whole month. And today is day 1. When we first broke up we would see eachother once a week and hang out and then it started that we would spend more time together, like last week i spent everynight over at her place. Last night she tells me that we shouldn't see eachother for a month. Which i agree with, and i suggested no chatting at all. We both love eachother very much but, shes is really confused about where she is headed and she doesn't want to have a boyfirend rate now she wants to be independent and free. I was her first and she wants to see other people(not date but she would sleep withother guys). I guess i understand that she rate now wants to be independent, she used to live at home with her parents and then moved straight in with me.

So I don't blame her for wanting to be on her own and to want to see what else is out there, i understand what shes doing, but that doesn't mean i like it.

So we spent either our last night together fighting or holding eachother all night. I love her very much and she loves me just as much. But rate now we wouldn't work together and were both want different things. I want a relationship, and she can't give me that kind of committment.

I'm alot stronger now since when we first broke up, but now today i don't know if its because im going on 2 hrs of sleep, but i feel like The idea of not seeing or talking her for the next month is really scaring me and i feel so broken down. I have been reading this site enough to know that this feeling will go away and that this is part of the healing process, but that doesn't make me feel anybetter.

I just wish that love could be simple for once, i wish, i wish so much.

Not really asking for advise but i guess i just needed to put these feelings out there.

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I really feel for you this really will be one of the hardest thing's you will ever have to do but you must follow it through. stay strong keep yourself busy but DO NOT CONTACT HER if you feel weak go for a run go and see some friends you will stand more chance of getting her back if you both do your own thing for a couple of months. I really do believe in the saying if you love someone set them free.


Good luck pm if it gets tough

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My gf broke up with me in october. It took me 3 months to realise that I had to break off contact with her for a month or so. It's the only way, trust me. The thoughts and memories will still be there, but the pain will fade, slowly. I promise. It has got easier for me, until last night when I found out my ex had been cheating on me and lying to me about a week before we broke up with someone who she said there was nothign going on.

Stay strong and hold in there. If you ever feel like a cry don't hold back, just let it all out. It does help.



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