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20somethings already wanting younger women..


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Why would you want to be a teenager again? Gosh, being a teen sucks!


You are 23 -- very young and a great age! Sounds to me like you need to learn how to be confident in yourself as well as how to show it outwardly. (Dress, style etc..)


You also need to let go of the "rescue" fantasy -- be your own woman, not waiting for some man to "sweep" you off your feet, 20 + or 30+. Set your goals more realistically -- why not hope to meet a nice guy who is intelligent and attractive, someone with whom you get along and can match your intelligence, goals and personality?

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You are 18 -- there is nothing remotely wrong with finding girls sexually attractive who are 16-18. It's almost too normal.


I dont think there is anything wrong with it. Girls 18 are my age, but I dunno what others would think about a 18/19 year old finding a 16 year attractive.

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I understand you to some extent. I was never what most people would classify a teenager. I never went out, I barely had any friends, I've never went to any parties that weren't family gatherings. I never went to rallies or any foot ball games or anything. I didn't go to prom either. I never had a boyfriend. As a matter of fact, I didn't have my first boyfriend until after I graduated after I turned 19.


However, I don't regret any of it because I am happy that I never got caught up in high school drama. Just because your not a teenager doesn't mean you can't have fun.

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I dont think there is anything wrong with it. Girls 18 are my age, but I dunno what others would think about a 18/19 year old finding a 16 year attractive.


Yea...or her parents.......my bf's sister is going out with a 19 yr old and she is 16. He's already been threatened by her mom, dad, and cousins.

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Unspecified others -- I don't know, but I call it... normal.


The unsepcified others would be other such as; her friends, family members, maybe even teachersk, concerned neighbours.


I know here in Toronto the age of Concent is 18, so dating anyone younger then 18 could get anyone into some legal issues.


Yea...or her parents.......my bf's sister is going out with a 19 yr old and she is 16. He's already been threatened by her mom, dad, and cousins.


Thats my point.


I already know that any guy my sister brings home is going to get threatened by me. You know the usual routine: You break her heart, I'll break your back. You do anything to hurt her I'll hunt you down and kill you, You look at her the wrong way and you'll be eating breakfast through straws, Choose what you do wisely cause if you dont you'll end up in concrete shoes and missing like Jimmy Hoffa.

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Glegend, I looked up it up for you:


Canada has a uniform age of consent law.


There exist two close in age exemptions, depending on the age of the younger partner. A youth of twelve or thirteen can consent to sexual activity with an individual no more than two years older than them. A fourteen- or fifteen-year-old can consent to sexual activity with a partner who is no more than five years older than them, or to whom they are married. (Marriages are permitted for those above 16 outside Quebec, and above 16 for males and 14 for females in Quebec.) Neither exception applies if the accused was in a position of trust or authority towards the victim, the victim was in a relationship of dependency with the accused, or if the relationship between the accused and victim is found to be exploitative.


Looks like you are in the clear.

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I think once both parties are over the age then its viewed different. Like dating a girl 18 while the guy is 20/21, I think its viewed different then the girl being 16 and the guy 18/19.


Plus, I also look at it this way. I am almost 19, and graduating college (hopefully) in April. I'm then going to start getting my life together carrer wise. Say I'm dating a he girl in grade 11 or 12 (Age would 16-18 depending on when their Bday is) Whats going to happen at prom? Im pretty sure the teachers wouldn't like it.


Glegend, I looked up it up for you:


Canada has a uniform age of consent law.


There exist two close in age exemptions, depending on the age of the younger partner. A youth of twelve or thirteen can consent to sexual activity with an individual no more than two years older than them. A fourteen- or fifteen-year-old can consent to sexual activity with a partner who is no more than five years older than them, or to whom they are married. (Marriages are permitted for those above 16 outside Quebec, and above 16 for males and 14 for females in Quebec.) Neither exception applies if the accused was in a position of trust or authority towards the victim, the victim was in a relationship of dependency with the accused, or if the relationship between the accused and victim is found to be exploitative.


Looks like you are in the clear.


Thats different then what I had found last time I checked.

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Canada has a uniform age of consent law.


There exist two close in age exemptions, depending on the age of the younger partner. A youth of twelve or thirteen can consent to sexual activity with an individual no more than two years older than them. A fourteen- or fifteen-year-old can consent to sexual activity with a partner who is no more than five years older than them, or to whom they are married. (Marriages are permitted for those above 16 outside Quebec, and above 16 for males and 14 for females in Quebec.) Neither exception applies if the accused was in a position of trust or authority towards the victim, the victim was in a relationship of dependency with the accused, or if the relationship between the accused and victim is found to be exploitative.

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Canada has a uniform age of consent law.


There exist two close in age exemptions, depending on the age of the younger partner. A youth of twelve or thirteen can consent to sexual activity with an individual no more than two years older than them. A fourteen- or fifteen-year-old can consent to sexual activity with a partner who is no more than five years older than them, or to whom they are married. (Marriages are permitted for those above 16 outside Quebec, and above 16 for males and 14 for females in Quebec.) Neither exception applies if the accused was in a position of trust or authority towards the victim, the victim was in a relationship of dependency with the accused, or if the relationship between the accused and victim is found to be exploitative.




Up to 5 years older that a petty big age allowance that they give. I think they should lower it to like 3

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Why would you want to be a teenager again? Gosh, being a teen sucks!


You are 23 -- very young and a great age! Sounds to me like you need to learn how to be confident in yourself as well as how to show it outwardly. (Dress, style etc..)


You also need to let go of the "rescue" fantasy -- be your own woman, not waiting for some man to "sweep" you off your feet, 20 + or 30+. Set your goals more realistically -- why not hope to meet a nice guy who is intelligent and attractive, someone with whom you get along and can match your intelligence, goals and personality?


I really do..I just want to meet him now before I get too old.


I often compare pictures of myself from when I was a bit younger 19/20/21 and now..just to see if I look the same or older.


I fear getting older people don't have nice things to say about women who have aged

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Have you ever thought maybe your negativity toward certain things (reading your previous posts..) plays a big role in not meeting the right person? You seem to place so much focus on age and looks that I really think it's hindering your ability to look beyond that. Guys don't like women who are so self conscience that they are always second guessing something they do.

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I noticed a pattern in this forum where there are a lot of guys in my age group making posts about how they want to date a teenager that is around 15/16/17..I thought it would be awhile before I noticed men in my age group dating younger women. These posts make men seem incredibly shallow like a girl in her 20s is probably too old for some of these young men out here


I really don't think guys your age would go for girls as young as that. That's considered Jailbait. They might be tricked into thinking they are older but most times they stay away from that age group.


You are definitely paranoid about your age, which is sad because you are so young you shouldn't be worried at all.


I agree with some posters here, get some counselling.

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I dont know too much about this topic but I'll give you what info I have.


Question: Why do males like to date younger woman?


Possible Answer: We're animals, plain and simple. Sure we're a bit more evolved than say dogs, birds, lions etc but we all have 1 thing in common, the need for survival, we all want to spread our genes so our family, pack, pride or whatever you like to call it survives.


It's a common fact that males and females and I dont just mean humans are DESIGNED to reproduce, but in order for that family, pack, or pride to survive they need the best possible genes and that's where attraction comes into play. A lion will want to ensure that it's cub will have the BEST possible chance at life it possibly can and the only way to do that is to find a suitable mate.


Now, I'm not saying that some of the older females dont have good genes but when survival is your only priority then you will do what you can to find the best genes you can even if that means going for the youngest, fastest and strongest and with some animals the best looking as good looks, looks healthy right? That all depends on the lion, bird or whatever is looking for the mate, some may find someone to be more attractive than others.


As I said earlier, we're animals and we have the SAME instincts as say the ape or lion when it comes to reproducing since after all we evolved from apes... At least thats what I believe. Yes it's been quite awhile since we were apes BUT like I said earlier we still have one thing in common with other animals and that's the need for survival and what's helped us and many of other species survive? Instincts. The same instincts that helps us choose the best mates possible, the same instincts that leads us towards the youngest and most attractive females. As we grow older and more mature the things that used to attract us change and our beleifs on what good genes are change.


Not all people decide to reproduce but that doesnt mean they dont have those instincts it just means that they didnt choose to reproduce, a choice evolution gave us.


Sometimes us males might do stuff that just pisses you ladies off like how competive we are, how proud and stubborn we can be but just remember, SOMETIMES we cant help it's all in our instincts and you ladies are the same but prolly with other things.


This is the very basic principle of this topic and I dont know awhole lot about it so I hope this makes some sense to someone so writing this wont make me look like a complete fool It's nearly 3am here and this is the first time ive had to think about this in awhile so it was all jumbled in my head and might not make much sense but maybe someone with more knowledge on this topic might fill in the blanks.

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Bronzed, I didn't have "relations" until I was 28 for the first time, ok? I didn't date in high school or college, not until I started working. I had no teenage stories because I was always the "new girl" since we moved all the time. No birthday parties, no proms, no dates, no NOTHING.


What it took was me getting a life - then the guys came knocking at my door, even if I wasn't interested. I landed a career, kicked butt in my classes, developed my own style and personality. I was always "attractive" physically but until I did that for myself, no guy was going to look at me as girlfriend potential. I was about your age when I figured all this out.


I think that's what you need to do. Stop self-obsessing and especially obsessing about what other women and girls have or don't have with respect to you. This is the only life you are going to have, and the only twenty something time you are going to have, and you're wasting it regretting your teens, which is essentially still childhood! Do you want to be 30 regretting not living in your 20s? This is your chance - seize the day.

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I really do..I just want to meet him now before I get too old.


I often compare pictures of myself from when I was a bit younger 19/20/21 and now..just to see if I look the same or older.


I fear getting older people don't have nice things to say about women who have aged


Why are you so obsessed with your age? Is your mother like this too? Something must have happened to you - it's like anorexia, where girls always see themselves as fat. You for some reason have latched onto your age in the same way they think of calories.


Does that help you see that this worry of yours isn't healthy?


Not trying to be mean, but to get you to understand that you're hurting yourself with this line of thinking.

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Why are you so obsessed with your age? Is your mother like this too? Something must have happened to you - it's like anorexia, where girls always see themselves as fat. You for some reason have latched onto your age in the same way they think of calories.


Does that help you see that this worry of yours isn't healthy?


Not trying to be mean, but to get you to understand that you're hurting yourself with this line of thinking.



After my teens were over, my mother started telling me that I am not 'that young'...she is always warning me that 30 is ahead and that soon I'll be old and grey. This only increased my anxiety about my age. She does this because she feels that i am behind in my accomplishments (having a great career, new car, degree)


I also had a male friend who started doing the same thing to, talking about girls who are 18, 19, and 20, and teasing me about how I am getting older (after my 23rd bday) and will end up a 'bitter' older woman whenever I stood up for myself in a debate about a particular topic. I had to cut him out of my life


it's just that I am always stumbling accross someone saying that as a woman gets older her options in a mate decreases once she turns 30...the poster nutz is not the first person to make this statement. It just gives me fear. As each year pass by I get more and more anxiety. I wonder how I will look and what place I will be at in my life. I still have yet to find a boyfriend, and I don't have any future prospects in sight..I am scared that no one will want me if I don't find someone while I am still considered young. Sometimes I feel like having a nervous breakdown when I think about how old I will be 5 years from now. And then I see younger girls and think how old I will be when they are MY age. It just scares the heck out of me.

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Yes, you will look older and greyer if you let stress rule your life, whether you're 29 or 39 or 49. Many of my fabulous friends -and I mean, attractive, intelligent, successful, lovely people - met their spouses when they were in their mid to late 30s. Same here (well, we are certainly headed that way- we started dating the summer I turned 39).

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