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She broke up with me but do we have a chance to get back together?

Bad Wolf

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Sorry, long post.


I thought I'd start by telling you a bit about our relationship. We got together just over 2 years ago, we were both quite young she was 16 and I was 18. We both fell pretty hard for eachother quite quickly as we had been close friends for quite a few years. After 3-4 months of being together I told her I loved and she said she loved me too and the next few months were great!


I was at uni at the time and money was hard to come by so we didnt really get out much but we still had heaps of fun together and she didnt seem to mind us not doing a lot outside of the house or local area. I'd still take her out for dinnner and the movies every so often but not nearly as much as I'd like to of and i cant help but think this had something to do with the break up.


I'm quite a shy person so when I met her friends for the first time it usually didnt go as well as she'd hoped it would... She was usually the only 1 I knew out of who came when we went out with her friends so I sorta froze and didnt say much to anyone but her and I felt like it kinda ruined her night even though she never said it did. After awhile I would of got used to her friends but she never gave me the chance...


I had always been nice to her and treated her right which she loved but as in every relationship we had our fair share of arguments, nothing major but she didnt see it that way... She was young and this was her first real relationship and I guess she expected it to be all happy happy pink ponies running around with rainbows everywhere... We stayed together for another 16 months and although she didnt expect an argument free relationship like she used to she still got pretty pissed off over haveing the few little arguments we had.


One night we had an argument over her more often than not making plans with her friends before me. I didnt expect her to only make plans with me and ignore her friends just that she'd incease the amount of times she'd ask me to do something instead of me 90% of the time doing it, I didnt mind asking her out more than she'd ask me but out of the 2 years we were together she prolly only asked me out around 10-15% of the time we went out.


A few weeks later we had the same argument and it ended with her saying she doesnt love me as a partner anymore and that I was to clingy which I wasnt, well I dont think I was anyway. She also said that she wants to be able to go out with her friends on the piss and that I tried to hold her back and only wanted her to spend time with me. I wanted the same thing as her but I think she thought I'd be too shy and woundnt have any fun which isnt true as I love getting on the piss and going out clubbing and like I said before I'd never try stop her from seeing her friends but she broke up with me anyway.


When we first broke up we were still talking quite a lot but after I tried to talk things out and made some stupid mistakes she just stopped initiating conversation with me, she's still talk to me if I initiate chat but even then she didnt say much. This is really killing me and I dont understand how she could just end it like this, she'd tell me she loved me everyday while we were together so it's really confusing me. Could she really have falen out of love over this so quickly?

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It's simple. She knew it wasn't going anywhere. She wanted space and you couldn't give it to her. There's always a clingy person and a need-space person. I've been on both ends. What happened to you is simply her not liking the relationship and being honest about it. It wasn't going to get better. She did it nicely enough it seems to me and there's nothing you can do about it. You need to let her go. The chance to be together is hopeless because it'll never last long the way you two are now.

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Hes probably talking about a book called "The game" by Neil Strauss(aka Style). If you've ever seen the Pick up Artist on VH1 or MTV. Style was taught by Mystery(Erik von Markovik) from that show.


Things that are recommened here to win back you ex are the same things you do to arract women. Acting allof, unaffected/etc are eliciting high value, being clingy/etc shows low value.

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