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Dont know how I feel

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Me and my ex broke up like 8 months ago, give or take a month. I recently got together with someone about 2 months ago. It started off real well, but recently something happened, I dont know what changed exactly, she's a great girl and she still makes me extremely happy however, I have been thinking about my ex lately. Not so much that I want to be with her, but the pain I went through when it ended. I'm curious how she's doing partially. I don't understand why I feel this now when its been so long. It's effecting my current relationship and I don't know exactly what to do about it because my girlfriend has pretty much fallen for me and I'm not that that level yet. I want to still be with her, but my feelings just arent as strong as her's and I think my recent feelings are holding me back from taking that next step.... Any ideas?

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Breaking up with someone is never easy. It is normal that you think about her and wonder how she is doing. You probally spent alot of time with her and became close and you didn't only loose a g/f but you lost a friend. I still wonder how my ex from highschool is doing and I'm 27. But that doesn't mean that I want to be with him. I think you should continue being with the girl you are with. She makes you happy and that is so important. Thinking about your ex will become less and less. Something probally reminded you of her and you started to remanise and thats normal. But if you feel that you can't give your new girlfriend what she needs and you want to get back together with your ex then that is not fair to her and you should let her go.

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It's not that I want to be with my ex, but yes we spent 3 years together and she was honestly my best friend. However, currently I simply dont have alot of time because I play baseball and go to school full time as well as work so I dont have a lot of spare time and at times I know it's extremetly difficult to be with me because of that. I know at times I can't give her the attention she deserves or needs. That's the tough part because she's really an amazing girl, but I don't want to hurt her because I cant give her all the things she needs right now.

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Hey Hurting Buddy


Be there done that.....this will help you.....go on line to Amazon and but a book called Love addictions ( don't let the title scare you) just but it. The author is Susan Peabody, it has a deep green cover it is a paperback. Cost between 10 and 13 dollars. It will be the best money you ever spent.

You will see yourself in the book. You can get it at Barnes and Noble book stores also.


Good Reading



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I am going through this exact same thing!! Dated my David for 5 months, was not happy. Started dating Lee, very happy...then after dating for two months starting thinking about, then talking to, then sleeping with ex. Not good, and it has obviously effected my relationship with Lee.


Lee is "crazy about me" and I don't know how I feel about him or ex. I told them both that there was something that did not feel right about the relationship, probably a timing issue or something, and I wanted to take some time out. One month to be exact. I think that space away will help me figure out what I want to do.


I think you need to recognize that if you are thinking about your ex, you are not going to be able to move on with the new girl. Maybe you need a break, just one week or so. I would not tell your girlfriend that you are thinking about your ex, but rather that you have a lot on your plate right now and you need a week off, just to reconnect with yourself.


What do you think??????????

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