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guys checking out guys?


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personally i don't feel i could have a relationship with a guy, i defiantly know i couldn't sleep with one, and the only thing i get from my friends when i ask them this is "i think your in denial lol" so il ask you guys and gals,


il start with an example, today i was talking to a police offer, and as he was talking i found myself just starring at his features, i mean he was fit. im comfortable enough to say he was a really good looking guy. but i mean i was really checking him out, not in a "wow i could tap that" way, but i guess i was more "taking note". i change my style of how i look ALOT, and i take alot care in my appearance, and i kinda do this alot to random guys for ideas in a weird way.


does anyone else do this? loads of my girlfriends say that they do with other girls alot as well, but my guyfriends always say they dont, just wondering if im weird and alone on the subject or if they just dont, or if theyre not comfortable,


but it would be nice to hear what everyones opinion is.

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I know what you're saying. I've checked out guys before and their features. Mainly when I do check them out - its as you say - their fitness (ex. biceps, abs, chest). I do have to admit that I check out girls WAY more often then I do guys, as generally speaking the female structure offers much more to look at. I only check out guys to compare their own physique to my own (which is not that good at the moment I might add)


not sure if that answers your question... lol

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I do that sometimes too. I take note on haircuts: which ones I wouldn't be caught dead getting myself vs. which ones I'd like to try on myself but I'm not sure about cause I have a peculiarly shaped head/face (my head is pretty round, but my face isn't round as in if my cheeks were rounder and my jaw and chin were broader I'd say my entire head is a sphere.). So I take note of people's heads too... also body proportions... I dunno... I do also compare physiques, since I'm trying to improve mine, but it's proven very hard, cause I've kept working out, but had to tone it down a bit, cause my body was doing really weird things (and I mean REALLY weird...) cause I haven't been getting enough sleep to recover from higher intensity stuff and haven't been eating properly... So I dunno. I guess I do take notice. I never considered it checking them out cause I'm not like "mmmm..." like I am with girls whenever I'm going through one of those hornier cycles that I look at them and feel like humping them like Rob Schneider did that mailbox in "The Animal." anyway...

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Hmm, well, I never heard of it but I don't think it's abnormal, if girls do it with each other then it's normal to assume guys would too! Like someone else said, beauty is beauty and it's always going to attract attention from people regardless of their gender and age. Even babies, who apparently know nothing of that yet, are drawn to beautiful faces. I'm sure guys do check out other guys (not in a sexual way but more like admiration) but won't ever admit it lol.

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I can't speak for myself, as I'm bisexual, so probably a bit biased.


A close friend of mine, however, is heterosexual and very comfortable with the fact; he often talks about whether guys are attractive. He has a different taste in guys than me, and we talk openly about it. He's very conscious of clothing style, and definitely looks to other guys for ideas.


It is extremely common for men to be uncomfortable with the idea of being anything but totally heterosexual, even if they think it's morally okay to be homosexual. I wouldn't befriend a homophobic person, but I would be nearly friendless if I rejected someone because they were uncomfortable about how their sexuality might be perceived. Perhaps your friend have unresolved issues, so that's too bad, but they're common issues.

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I bet your guy mates do, they just don't want to admit it!

To be honest, most people look at others, and notice whether they are good looking or not- and often compare people to themselves. Like you say, it doesn't mean anything. You're just noticing a fact.


I have a gay friend at work and whenever some young good looking guy comes in he instantly turns to jelly haha! Not saying you're gay (as you've said you're not), it just reminded me of this.

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