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boring sex life needs help asap...


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I'm bored with the sex in our relationship, so I know my boyfriend must be too. We have been together for about a year and a half, living together for just over a year. On the weekends it isn't bad, if we have gone out for drinks or have been drinking at home or something...then the sex if always interesting thanks to my low alcohol tolerance and instant horniness when I'm drinking haha. But the sex we have during the week is becoming so predictable and boring. We obviously want to have sex since one of us is always initiating it (usually him, but I'm not complaining ) I am just left unsatisfied doing the same old stuff, and I get the feeling he is too.


Things have changed in our lives, we have both started more important and more stressful jobs in the past 4 months. Our relationship hasn't been as easy and carefree as it used to be, we have had a few issues lately, but we both put effort into working on them. I think stuff like this has definatly contributed to a suffering sex life


I need to make things interesting and exciting again. I'm not saying that I need explosive crazy sex several times during the week (maybe once or twice? hehe), I just need to get us out of this slum. Any ideas? We live with a roommate, so we can't really leave the bedroom unless the roommmate isn't home. We are both very open and I will try (almost) anything once. Any ideas big or small would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

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First, do kegels for 10 minutes before initiating. It will get you horny, much like alcohol.


Some other ideas are talking dirty, exploring new positions, and anal play (for you and/or him). Ask him to pull your hair or slap you. Tie him up. Or give up sex for a couple weeks and focus just on manual and oral. That way you can "get to know each other" all over again. You could also make a movie or watch porn together.

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do u guys do date nights? like just dinner and movie or better yet..

what gets me in the mood is when we do movie night (just sitting in his room on the bed/floor under the covers) and have to keep our hands off each other to watch the movie. but we hardly get thru the whole thing...


Yes, actually, watching a movie in bed sort of feels like a hotel in a way, and hotels always seem sexy to me.

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