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women: how do you feel about beards?


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Ok, this pic was taken when I was 16 or 17 so it's around 4 years old but I havent really changed that much cept I look a lil older and I still grow my facial hair like that. Honest opinions, what do you think? Right now it's a lil longer than in the pic but I've been to lazy to shave.


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My ex liked the look of it but she said it hurt a lil when we kissd, some people say they like it but more say I should shave it.

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  • 1 year later...

Don't get me started...

you really want to get me started..


put it simply: SEXY. irresistible. But it depends on the guy.

I mainly go for guys with darker hair and beards.

Men with beards are really hot. I don't know why guys like to shave all the time

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Beards are awesome. In this regard, I have no interest in how most females think about it. Changing it up is fun, and I know most females don't like it, so that only amuses me.


In general, I like changing it up a little. If I am clean shaven, I do look younger, but I think.."hmm, you need a beard, my friend". Usually that is either a circle beard, a long goatee (like Brad Pitt has, except for its red), or a full beard on the rare occasion. I don't usually do the stubble thing since its a little too.....tame.

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