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I'm 20 years old and still a virgin. I know it sounds weird for me to feel insecure, but I can't help it. Everyone else I know had sex a long time ago and I just don't have the courage when it comes to women. Everytime I muster up the courage to go on a date, I always flop when it comes time to make a physical move... it's so frustrating.


Any support would be appreciated....


I have been looking around on the internet for help and stumbled on some new site called virginspeak or something ... I think the address is link removed anyway, it was kinda neat...


just thought I'd mention it in case there is anyone out there like me who reads this

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its okay to be nervous. if your with a girl who may have a little more confidence and able to make the first move, you should have no problem. just find a girl that makes you feel good about yourself. if its your size, or your body.. or anything along those lines that your worried about.. DONT! You wont regret it if you face your fear.. I promise

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I know how you feel - I posted something almost exactly the same as you a little while back on the sex and romance forum. I found there was a lot of support out there for people in our position. I'm a big believer in there being someone perfect for everyone out there and when you find that person you should have no problems expressing yourself. I haven't found my soulmate yet, but I'm not giving up and neither should you.


All the best mate.

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You shouldn't let it get you down. I was a virgin till I was 20. I have a good friend who is 25 and still a virgin himself. You just have to meet a girl that you're comfortable with and that you really care about. When the time comes that you think she may be wanting to get intimate, make sure you tell her that you've never had sex before. She'll be totally understanding. Alot of girls love the idea of being with an inexperienced man as they would like the chance to "train" you in bed.

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Thanks for your help people...I feel a little better now but it still gets me down at times

One thing that kind of bothers me is that some of my guy friends just assume i've had sex. I guess I haven't helped things, because I always play along and pretend like I have and like I know what I'm talking about. Sometimes I feel like I'm really living a lie, but I don't know how to get out of it now.

Should I come clean with my friends, or will they think I'm a total loser cause I'm a virgin at 20? Any advice for me?

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Guys will be guys, and they will still probably make fun of you because your a virgin. But if you're not ready, there is nothing to be ashamed of. After a while it will cool off and they'll leave you alone. But yes, you should totally come clean. But it's really up to you. Maybe just tell one of them, that you can trust, and see his reaction or see what he says. Then you'll know how the rest might react. I dunno.. just a suggestion haha

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I appreciate the advice... but I'm still not sure that I have a male friend who won't judge me. I tend to make friends with women more so than men (one of my problems, because I always end up as "just friends")


Why is it that it feels like guys are so judgmental about being a virgin, but girls are really understanding?

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I'm 20 years old, and Still Virgin.... So what.


Ask every guy/girl that is laughing at you , was it good when he/she did it. They will tell , that it doenst matter bla bla bla....


Dont let it make you down. You been on a date, i never huged a girl in my life... So you are in a better position than i do


You will just find the right person to do it with. Trust me you will always be able to pay 100 $ and get it, but where is the exitement

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