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Challenge: Write a Poem About Loathing!


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Ive wrote some very self loathing and vengeful poems in my life, especially during my depression earlier this year, but they were private and no one will ever read them as I don't feel that way anymore.


I would urge people to think through this, because to write dark words you have to be in a dark place.

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Not sure if this is really loathing, but it was the best I could conjur... I try not to write dark poems, but I took it as a challenge as I have my share of dark hours.


I have drained

The green veins of my leaves,

Tapestries and warm colors grey.

Only the rat shack on the hill

With the old moonshine men,

Rusty mustang engines and broken ratchets,

Sip a life of contented foul odor.

It is the clarity

Of the hours before night,

When the streets race and my bones ache.

The silence is made with planted seeds

Sown on the red mud hills

Near my house where I smiled as boy.

I remember sitting with her,

Pressed as two doves on the storm drain,

With sunflowers and the sun,

In the past when naivity was joy -

But this man,

An old fallen tree,

Only wishes for fire,

A clean burn,

To return again to the soil.

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is this for a school assignment or something?



No, just for myself... I've been thinking about the relationship between loathing others and self-loathing a lot lately. And no, not my own self-loathing or loathing toward others, but about someone in my life. It's like he's stuck inside a glass prison, looking out and wanting things from people, but hits the glass wall when he reaches for what he wants, can't touch it so then loathes what he sees, only to crack his own glass walls when he does so, and if those walls crack and fall away completely he has nothing -- no sense of self, just an emptiness he cannot tolerate.

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Not sure if this is really loathing, but it was the best I could conjur... I try not to write dark poems, but I took it as a challenge as I have my share of dark hours.


It is the clarity

Of the hours before night,

When the streets race and my bones ache.

The silence is made with planted seeds

Sown on the red mud hills

Near my house where I smiled as boy.



This part is especially moving to me...

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I watch my life pass me by

I look around and wonder why

Why is it that I dont try

and that I feel nothing inside

I hate the fact there is no here

I hate the fact that I go there

I dont understand what changed

Why nothing can be the same


I feel disgusting when I sleep

the thoughts that toss inside of me

every breath I take, I want to leave

because all I do is dream


I never act, I never take

I always think, always fake

I just want someone to hold close

but I cant let go of the ropes


the ropes I grab that hold me so

hold me still, I wont let go

so i'll just watch and wish and pray

but like always i'll do nothing.


My love for you was like the oceans

so vast so wide so deep in motion

but alas its dried like the sand

my love for you is dead again


So here again i'll say I stand

I feel so much inside me and

I hate myself for being me

but most of all for doing nothing.

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I watch my life pass me by


I feel disgusting when I sleep

the thoughts that toss inside of me

every breath I take, I want to leave

because all I do is dream


I never act, I never take

I always think, always fake

I just want someone to hold close

but I cant let go of the ropes


I feel like this especially captures part of the person I'm thinking about... thank you!

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I don't if this is what you want either. just a few short ones.


slip away


Wishing to forget all the bad times and the good,

fall in to the darkness and loose this world.

Put everything and everyone behind me,

never looking back.


Hate this thing I have become,

wishing to be set free from this hex they put on me.

I want to stop pretending, stop playing this part,

the theater is closing and I want out.


Stop time, stop these feelings and rewind.

Forget the images, forget the past.

Let this heart stop beating, this mind from thinking.

Please, Oh, please let me slip away.



crystalized emotions


Ice cold lips,

Stale conversations.

Bitter and distant,

No warmth in my heart.


Piercing eyes,

Hard steel looks.

cold and broken,

No warmth in my veins.


Stone hands,

Frozen to the touch.

Cold and distant,

No warmth in my pulse.


Suicide note


Dear Mother and Father,


I tried to be strong and hold my head up high,

but the preasure was to much and the wieight to heavy.

Every day I walked the hallways hopeing someone would see,

Pretending I was happy, a play for all to see.


Soon I didn't even know who I was,

Lost in the confusion of make believe and reality.

I use to dream of life,

but soon I only drept of death.


Happiness turned into hate,

and sorrow is all I felt.

Anger for all of those around me,

wishing they hurt as much as I do now.

I couldn't bare to think such things,

I couldn't bare the pain.


So I cut deep long and hard,

Blood seeping from the wound.

I tried to hold back the tears,

but I had done so for so long that I couldn't stop them any longer.


The tears mixing with blood,

dripping into a pool of disspare.

A smile on my face,

Hatred filled into the air.


So with my last breathe and my last bit of strength,

I just wanted to tell you its not your fault.



I love yo...................

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I want to stop pretending, stop playing this part,

the theater is closing and I want out.


I cant recall how many times. I've felt like I was just an actor on a stage, and I wanted was to be free, or to just stop being.


Happiness turned into hate,

and sorrow is all I felt.

Anger for all of those around me,


Another part of your works I relate to heavily, I really like your works Divine their haunting, but so real and lovely.

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