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i know!

when you are finished, stephenie meyer has the first 12 chapters of Midnight Sun on her website (she was going to rewrite Twilight from the perspective of Edward, but after 12 chapters were done somebody leaked it and she stopped writing

did you guys see the movie, yet?


so she's never going to finish it? although i might not find his character as steamy if i see it from his point of view hahaha


i haven't seen the movie yet

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so she's never going to finish it? although i might not find his character as steamy if i see it from his point of view hahaha


i haven't seen the movie yet

i actually liked midnight sun more than twilight, ahah. or at least what i read of it. she said she might not finish it now, no.


the movies not as good as it could have been.

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i actually liked midnight sun more than twilight, ahah. or at least what i read of it. she said she might not finish it now, no.


the movies not as good as it could have been.


well the thing is that i already have this idea of edward in my head, and getting to know him better will probably stop the absolutely ridiculous crush i have on him. hahah

oh wait... maybe that's a good thing

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well the thing is that i already have this idea of edward in my head, and getting to know him better will probably stop the absolutely ridiculous crush i have on him. hahah

oh wait... maybe that's a good thing

lol i have a crush on him too. don't tell anyone, but i had a dream about him the other night, ahahah. i thought he seemed even hotter in midnight sun. i'm such a loser.


i read another vampire series called the Undead Series.. it's in the romance section so it's pretty much all about sex ahah... and there was this vampire named Sinclair who I also fell in love with.


.........wow, i need to get out more.

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ok this is totally lame, but after finishing the books I'm usually a little down the next day because I miss reading about him. hahaha

if you want to destroy your crush fast, though, watch robert pattinsons sad attempt to play him. arghh. okay, fine, he looks the part. but he acts more slow & confused then sexy and romantic.

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if you want to destroy your crush fast, though, watch robert pattinsons sad attempt to play him. arghh. okay, fine, he looks the part. but he acts more slow & confused then sexy and romantic.


hahahah i found midnight sun. I'm reading it. he still makes my blood boil. hahahah

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ok this is what i knew would happen if i read edward's story. I know think of him as really cute and sweet instead of hot. hahahah

haha, i knew you couldn't resist reading it, though!

did you get eclipse yet?


(by the way i spent another 2 hrs in barnes and noble today and got NOTHING! haha.)

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haha, i knew you couldn't resist reading it, though!

did you get eclipse yet?


(by the way i spent another 2 hrs in barnes and noble today and got NOTHING! haha.)


nah, i didn't want to start reading it tonight cuz i have to wake up early tomorrow. I've been staying up till 5 to finish those books. hahahah

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