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Keep an Open Mind


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I found this stuff online.. just some thoughts for everyone.


Close-Minded: Intolerant of the beliefs and opinions of others; stubbornly unreceptive to new ideas.


Narrow-Minded: Limited in outlook or lacking in tolerance; bigoted; prejudiced. Forming opinions without just cause.


Egocentrism: Some people have the tendency to perceive, understand and interpret the world in terms of the self. The term derives from the Greek egô, meaning "I". An egocentric person has no theory of mind, cannot "put himself/herself in other people's shoes," and believes everyone sees what he/she sees (or that what he/she sees in some way exceeds what others see.) They are unable to separate their own beliefs, thoughts and ideas from others.


Open-minded: having or showing receptiveness to new ideas or opinions.


Keeping an open mind is very essential.


Be friendly to everyone. Learn about different cultures and how respect works in those. Try not to judge others or their culture until you personally meet them and get to know them. You can ask them why they do what they do, as long as you explain the same about yourself and your own culture if they wonder why you asked them. Accept and maybe incorporate from each other. If you like your ways, simply be aware of different ways. When you are around a group of a different culture, consider conforming to their ways out of a sign of respect (ask how to do this since you will be expected to act somewhat like a foreigner). Maybe they will be able to do the same when they are around a group of your culture. However, don't worry about it too much. Different families and cultures expect others to act differently or to understand things differently. Some of that is very acceptable. Just be respectful of the differences. There is not one way of doing things or of being in this world. Respecting others way of being doesn't mean becoming their way of being.

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Quite apart from being essential, keeping an open mind means you're open to a lot of FUN! It's interesting, finding about other cultures, and most people are really lovely and forthcoming once they realise your interest is sincere.


And in a strange way, being very open to new experiences makes me much more aware of myself and secure in who I am!

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