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why do boys do this!!? HELP!

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ok i have a bf and u know what most buggs me about boys....or about him anyway...is that whenever he has a problem or hes mad and i can tell he´s mad and i ask him " whats wrong?" he just sighs and says "nothing!" and then i ask him again and he says the saym thing, WHY DO BOYS DO THAT!?? y dont they just tell us wuts wrong so we can help, then the worst thing is theyre mad trhough out the whole day and u have NO IDEA why! cuz he wont tell u...and to make it worst...once i ask again and he goes " u know exactly y im mad so y r u asking!?"....and i said "im aksing so we can talk about it" and he didnt say anything...and hes always the one telling me...that i don´t express my feeling with him enough and then he goes and does soemthing like that....is there anythign i can do so he opens up....or is there anyone who can tell me y guys r like this??? cuz a gf has the saym problem as me too

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ok I'm a guy. You know what, you're very right. Guys do tend to do that. I use to do that a lot to my ex and it was buging her. I think it's just our first reaction. We always say that. It could mean he doesn't want you to worry about him because he's a guy or he expects you to know the problem and it would mean a lot to him that you correct the problem without him telling you what it is. I can honestly say that guys do that quite often. Not all but some. I think you should talk to him about this thing he does. Just tell him sometimes you don't know the problem and it would really help he were to tell you. Or another suggestion would be to do the same thing he did so he can see how you feel but that wouldn't be recommended. It might just ruin it. Just talk to him about it. Sorry if I'm getting you confused. Good Lucks

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In my opinion, I think guys do that because we do have trouble controlling our temper. All I can suggest is to more loving towards him and try to ride through these rocky patches, something like 'I'll make it up to you'


99% of the time it's the guys fault and we starts the argument... and thats coming from a bloke!


Good luck in what you do...

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my b/f sometimes does the same as yours, but its only because he doesnt know he to express them, he fears of getting what he wants to say wrong, which in the cases that he does speak and he does get it wrong, concludes in why he didnt want to speak in the first place.


i know my boyfriend doesnt speak too much unless i ask him because as he said once, that emotions and feelings are the most powerful and important possesions he holds and to share them at the wrong point he could loose everything he has, he believes to have such thought needs to be the right moment to share it. its funny though, he loves the way i can tell there is something wrong, and we always sort it out.


my boyfriend is very self conscious is this the same matter with yours?


hope this gives some insight.


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