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boyfriend gaining weight


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Food is a touchy subject. The best way to go about it would be to commit yourself to the fact that if you want your partner to go healthy, do a bit of exercise, you're going to have too as well! So you make a healthy meal for him, you eat it too. You eat out, order the soup and salad, for both of you (no fries eh!). Ask him if he's free, you both go for a walk or a jog! Best way to do it, otherwise the other person will always feel left out and plus it's more fun when the both of you are in it together

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I like the idea about joining a gym together. My bf is overweight. I brought up the idea (actually he did too) so me and him can spend more time together. We still haven't gotten around to it b/c he is "busy" but I'm not forcing him. I think he should realise on his own it's time to start.

If I think about his weight and what he eats I stress myself out for no reason. Plus I don't want to nag. Who wants to be nagged at right?


I also LOVE the genius who came up with "ask him to split food". Can't remember whose advice it was, but it's one of the best approaches (in corporation with the gym or taking walks if possible).

You can turn weight loss into something fun and romantic. So it's not all work work, but it also becomes a part of your lifestyle and he enjoys it.


You both can also eat healthier meals together (if you live together, or you go to his house and cook). Like lionel hutz mentioned. If I wanted my bf to lose weight and I wanted to help, I'd either go there and we both have healthy salads and other things. Or I'd teach him to make healthy stuff with me. And he could make it for himself when he is up for it. It has to come from within your bf though to want to lose the weight..

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Totally agree! But I think that your partner can be a great influence too. For e.g. if I'm geared up to go for a run (which koff koff hasn't happened for years!!) and I see my bf sat on the sofa eating crisps, like melted butter, all my intentions will go out of the window. Or if I say... boy I'm looking chubby, maybe I should shift some pounds, my bf will hug me and say but I loooove it, and I will think "it's ok, he still finds me cute". But if he's willing to run with me I feel great and happy that he's helping out and getting fit too, or if we have healthy food together I feel good too. It's easier for the cook to portion control too, I generally feed myself about half of what I put on my bf's plate. hehe

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Yea, on that note...

With me I started eating healthier and excersizing on my own. I didn't have a gym partner, and my bf said we'd go together and it never happened. I got tired of depending on anyone so I went on my own. I don't eat much junk or drink alot of soda.

I feel when it comes to food he kind of followed my lead. Now he is talking about joining a gym soon. So I guess "practise what you preach" and maybe he will lead or want to join. (B e sure to ask him if he wants to come along in case he doesn't get the hint.


I also sometimes throw in fun facts like "hey did you know people who drink too much juice only and sodas put on way more weight?" I don't TELL him what to do. Instead I just provide him with info I read online/magazines/etc and he can use it if he wants.


I did something once, then made sure I never did it again, as I don't want to come off annoying: he poured a few spoons of sugar into his drink and my eyes grew a bit wide like "what?

I saw he got uncomfy. SO I definitly recommend not pointing stuff out while he is about to bite into something. Or drink it.

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