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He hugged me, for first time

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Ive been friends with this guy now for 8 months...

Ive posted on here a few time before, about the situation.

I dont want to end up sounding like a teenager or anything.. because Im not.. I need some input, thats all!


Well, I went to a get together at his house 2 nights ago..

Even though, some others were invited...I ended up being the only girl there, but he made me feel very comfortable.

Let me add...We are both on the "outs" with our signifigant others and we both know that.


He told me I was his guest of honor and said really sweet things about me.

He shook my hand once and said he meant everything he said about me and toasted me. LOL


At the end of the night...he was going to walk me out to my car..

He took my hand then said and gave me this big hug.


He thanked me profusely for coming and said I was "Really a pleasure" to have.

He told me "everything happens for a reason, and we go down the right path" when we talked about our signifigant others.


Ok.. anyone please..do you think this is a flirty sign? A sign he may like me?

I dont know.

I am 30 he is 25, we work in the same building but on different shifts. We became friends in a very short time after we met.

I would love any input Thanks!

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Well it is hard to tell. He may just want you to be his friend, and then again he may be leading into more than friendship. If you have feelings for him I would wait them out a little longer. See how he keeps acting, and play it by ear. If you get in a comfortable position with him you might tell him how you feel then. Just go with the flow, and see where it goes from there. I hope I helped some. Good Luck.

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