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I don't know if i have the personality to be a hair stylist.


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I graduated a little over a year ago with my grade 12 diploma and my cosmetolgy degree. I really want to become a hair stlyist because that is what i went to school for and i got very good grades in all of my classes like 80%'s and 90%'s. I'm very good at what i do, or so i'm told but a few months ago i got a job on at a hair salon in my small town and i worked there for about 3-4 month but my boss ended up firing me because "I didn't have the right personality" and she was concerned that "maybe you're not fit out to be a hair stylist" Even though my skills are excellent! What the H-E-L-L! It fusterates me because I am a very polite person, but I don't feel the need to talk my clients ear off like most hair stlyists seem to do. IMO that's very annoying to tell your life story to someone who you don't even know. I'm also not a huge gossiper but if someone brings something up i will talk about it. I'm more of a small talk sort of person and also like to focus on my clients hair and the job i'm doing rather then yipping their ear off! Do people actually like that when they go get their hair cut for their hairdresser to tell them everything and anythign about them that seems so random?? I don't know i'm just not the person to do that sort of thing, it seems so FAKE. I'm not fake, neither can i pretend to be fake. I want my clients to come to me because of the job that i do, not because of the gossip I've heard over the week. This really discourages me because i'm not that type of person and maybe i'm not cut out to be a hair stylist even though i love what i do? I have not applied at any other salons since my last job because frankly there is not many salons to pick from in my small town of around 3,000 people. I'm thinking of moving to the city to presue hair styling, but i think that might even be more of a challange for me because you see all the hair stylists from the city all decked out and just look like snobs to me lol... No doubt i am a pretty girl and take of myself but i don't feel the need to dress high fashion and have red and blue in my hair. I just feel so discouraged and i haven't even started looking for a job yet...

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Don't let this one person's view of what a hairstylist is "colour" your own opinion about your suitability. There are different types of bosses and I am sure there are plenty of salons who would be happy to have you working there. What is important is that you do your job well and that you are friendly and polite. Not all of them will expect you to act like a therapist as well. I know when I go to get my hair cut, I am not interested in lengthy small talk. I just want them to cut my hair quickly and well so that I can go about my day. Don't let this one bad experience discourage you from your goals.

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That is so stupid. I have had many hairstylists who were not big conversationalists. I think the problem is moreso you dont have the right personality for that SALON, not hairstyling in general. Find another place, maybe that one has built a reputaion on chatty stylists, thus you might not have been right for that one place in particular.

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Do people actually like that when they go get their hair cut for their hairdresser to tell them everything and anythign about them that seems so random??


No, I'm with you. I'm not the chatterbox type and I'd rather they focus on doing their job than striking a never-ending conversation. But that's just me, because I'm pretty reserved and quiet. I guess salon owners want their stylists to have that personality to keep their clientele coming back. Don't get discouraged though, you lose nothing by applying and eventually you'll find one that suits you.

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Thank you for all your replys. I thought i was alone on this one and maybe I wasn't cut out to be a hair stylist, because most are quite chatty and it's just not my personality even though i am a polite person. But i'm more of a person to talk when spoken to, or just have a bit of a small talk. My boss was quite sour to me and told me i needed to get out into the community more and 'grow up' is exactly what she said. I was like, excuse me?? Then she went on to say that i needed to learn to "Fake It Until You Make It". That pissed me off because I don't want to act like someone who i am not. Expecially having to go to that same job and act the same way every day when it's really not me. I guess it goes to show that one bad job can really discourage you and make you sour.

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I'm a talkative person, so I like my stylist to be like that, also. But not everyone wants that. Most stylists at my salon are quite verbally inclined, so I guess it goes with the job. That being said, if it came down to talking or getting a good cut and color, skill wins out every time. Find a salon where the stylists are not expected to be chatterboxes.

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When I've been to get my hair styled in the past, I've had no intention of "chatting" with the stylist. I just want them to do their job. Sure I don't mind the odd chit-chat about something relevant, but I'm not the gossipy type either. We need more like you around here!

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