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Boyfriend won't go down!


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I've been with a new guy for about 2 months now and he only went down on me once. I've told him many times that is what gives me the best orgasms and I absolutely LOVE it but he always tries to shrug it off or he'll say "all in due time honey" but I have a feeling this is going to be an issue. I've tried shaving it clean, I douche about once a week (since we have sex almost everyday) and I always carry those pads to refreshen myself down there. I've even told him I'll shower right before he does it so I'm very fresh. He has mentioned to me that he doesn't like the "odor" of women. I don't think I have a particularly strong odor down there but who knows.


Ladies (or gents), any advice?

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well one thing that i've learned from a guy friend of mine. He hated going down on his gf because it was her butt not her vagina that stunk. She never actually washed her butt after doing the number 2 everytime. So be sure you are washing your backside everytime not just wiping it.


He also may have just had a bad experience with someone who wasn't clean. Maybe try to add a food or something. Like whip cream or some syrup, they also make flavored stuff that is also lube so he can eat it. This will smell like the food item so he wont be thinking about the female smell, utimatley he will discover you don't stink.


Do you know for sure if he has ever even done it? Maybe he is nervous because he hasnt ever done it. Maybe do 69 so you arent concentrating on watching each other or wondering what they are thinking.

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So what happens when you are in a bathroom stall in a public restroom...do you have to run out with your pants down, grab the paper towels and soap, run back in the stall and wash your butt? Some places don't even have paper towels...so I guess you have to stick your butt against the blower to get it dry after you wash it using soap on toilet paper...then, of course, the toilet paper shreds all of your cheek insides. I don't know...as far as I know, you wipe your butt well and then at the end of the day take a shower and clean off...I would think it would be impractical to wash your butt every time you poop when you are going about your daily business. I don't know of anyone who carries around butt wipe fresheners...just in case they encounter that cute guy who will give her oral sex at 3:00 pm. Oh yeah...if you fart it will probably smell there too...I guess we should wash there every time we fart so that we can smell April fresh for the 3:00 pm oral sex with cute guy.

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They have these wipes that you can carry around with you or use after you're done. It's not "washing" but they are like baby wipes, just for adults.


If you know youre gonna be fooling around wiht a guy later and you've already pooed that day, either take a quick shower and clean yourself or dont fool around. That's my rule.

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They have these wipes that you can carry around with you or use after you're done. It's not "washing" but they are like baby wipes, just for adults.


If you know youre gonna be fooling around wiht a guy later and you've already pooed that day, either take a quick shower and clean yourself or dont fool around. That's my rule.


I do agree that if you know you will be "fooling around" you make the effort to clean up properly.


But washing everytime isn't practical LOL.

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