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Help..I need morning sickness remedies ASAP!! Bad morning so far!


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OMG...today has been awful! The last week or so the nausea hasnt been bad, non-existant on some days and I've felt a little better. But today...whoa!! Everytime I turn around or move I'm aiming for a trash can or running for the bathroom.


Nausea is BAD BAD today. I even took a pill that given to me by my doc to help and it's done no good at all.


What did you guys do to deal with the nausea and vomitting at it's worst? Keep in mind, I'm at work. I would feel so much better laying down at home, but that's not an option right now. Ugh....any ideas??

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Have you been eating regularly? Make sure you eat something every hour.


Drink ginger tea as well.


Something that sounds weird but worked for me - imagine smelling citrus fruits like grapefruit and lemons. I've even heard of women carrying around a lemon in their purse to smell when they start to feel queasy.

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Thanks ladies! I'm 9 1/2 weeks along. I usually feel fine when I first wake up and I did this morning, so I got ready and then about an hour after I got up I ate a croissant. I think I've puked up about 10 of them by now...ugh! I feel like I'm going to hurl no matter what I do. I'm afraid to eat or drink anything right now.


The citrus idea is a good one. I'm trying to imagine smelling lemons. It's actually helping. Thank you!!

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I think the tea you have will help. But ginger really helps the nausea so stuff like ginger cookies and ginger tea are good. Even putting some shredded fresh ginger in your tea will probably work wonders.


I still think you should force yourself to eat more. Eat something small as soon as you wake up in the morning, and then continue to eat something small every hour for the rest of the day.

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I think the tea you have will help. But ginger really helps the nausea so stuff like ginger cookies and ginger tea are good. Even putting some shredded fresh ginger in your tea will probably work wonders.


I still think you should force yourself to eat more. Eat something small as soon as you wake up in the morning, and then continue to eat something small every hour for the rest of the day.


Thank you. I've been trying to eat very small meals several times a day. And for the last week, I've felt better. I thought that the nausea and vomitting were starting to subside. Now, it's back with a vengence!


It's like as soon as I wake up, I feel great. But as soon as I eat or drink something, it all goes downhill. I started taking my prenatal vitamin at night, thinking that it may be upsetting my stomach.


I didnt know about the ginger. I'll try to run out at lunch and see if I can find some ginger tea and ginger snaps. Oh and a lemon!

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If the vitamins make you sick, you don't have to take them every day, especially if you're eating your vegetables and have a balanced diet. Those vitamins contain way more than the necessary dosage anyway. Even if you take them 3 times/week, it won't make a difference to your baby.


I hope you're feeling better soon!

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I feel for you. I puked for 7 months from the minute I got up until the minute I went to bed with my first son. Yes, try to eat small meals and take your vitamin when you go to bed it will stay down then. I would not do anything herbal until you talk to your dr because anything you introduce into your body even herbal things can harm your baby. Do not drink too much ginger either. It should disappear by the second trimester when the placenta is fully formed. And every pregnancy is different. My second one I was only nauseated for a week and never threw up. After that I was great. I hope you feel better soon sweetie!

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I forgot to add ......try the pressure point between your thumb and next finger.......you know in the web part right where the meat of the hand starts....try putting pressure on that till the nausea stops.Pressure with your two fingers hard enough till the sick feeling stops. I hope that helps. Yes lemon helps too.

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try saltines and ginger ale or something like that it helped mine..Goodluck, at some of the pregnancy stores they have these suckers that are supposed to help with morning sickness. Motherhood Maternity has it here in SC i never tried them because i was done with the morning sickness by the time i found out about them so not sure if they work.

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Thank you all so much! I feel a little better...I've graduated to burping alot from puking. lol I'm going to eat a couple of saltines and see if that helps. Man, I havent had the nausea and vomitting this bad for a week or two. Whew! I just shut my office door, cut out most of the lights and tried to picture my office full of lemons...lol. hey, whatever works!


Again, thank you all for your suggestions!!! (((huggs))) Cat

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Try candied ginger, and these things called sea-bands. They hit a pressure point on your wrist and they really do work. My sibs and I swore by them as kids when we were travelling long distances. I've never been pregnant, but when I'm nauseous, french fries and ginger ale work wonders. You might want to try something fried. Hopefully it doesn't make you sicker. If it does, I'm sorry!

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When i was going thru morning sickness, NOTHING worked, i threw everything up, soup, water, saltines, ginger ale, everything. My doctor prescribed me some small pills called Zofran, that completely stopped my morning sickness. He said i could take up to two a day, but just one stopped my morning sickness for about two days. It worked wonders for me, i was able to do my work and go about my day as usual instead of being stuck in the bed sick and miserable all day. If i have another child, i will be asking for it again, it was a lifesaver for me. If your morning sickness gets really bad maybe you should ask your doctor about it.

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