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Update the ex?

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I know I don’t love him anymore…he wasn’t right for me on many levels. We both said very hurtful things to each other and I know that our relationship can never be repaired. Yet, I still care about him and I do miss him even now. After all, when we were in love, we loved each other passionately and whole-heartedly.


On Sunday, I’m leaving the country and will spend the next 4 months overseas. I’m figuring out my life and am very content being single—I’m not seeking a relationship with anyone until I’m more comfortable being in my own skin. I was just offered an internship opportunity in Parliament and a part of me wants to tell him the good news. This is BIG news because it’s something I’ve always wished to do. He knows how much politics means to me.


Should I update him on should I just let it be? He’s dating someone else right now and they seem very happy together.

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It would probably be best to let them be. Ignorance is bliss, and if he's happy, then there's no reason to disturb it. Besides, it's only 4 months, that's NOT a long time. It's just not big enough to break NC, and Britain should be an amazing get away for you.


I mean, look at all the UK users on this site. I bet you could meet them all, chat it up and perhaps get enough material to write a book. "Getting Over an Ex, by enotAlone.com's forum chatters"

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My advice is to resist. It's so hard to not want to share the good news (and as a happy side-effect, let him know that you're moving on and doing really cool stuff), but this is where the rubber hits the road for NC. Whether you're dieting, exercising, trying to be a better person, doing NC, or whatever--it's easier to stick to your goals when you aren't experiencing a challenge. Even if you're sure that you're not in love with him anymore, this is still an NC challenge--so try to stick with your original goal of not contacting him.


BTW, CONGRATULATIONS about your internship!! Have a fantastic time!

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