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Almost 6 months and Im still crying

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In about ten days its have been almost 6 months since my ex broke with me after a five years relationship. We have not seen each other for about 7 months when she left for her Asia tour. She dumped me on the phone when she got back. She was unfaithful, she lied and she treated me as garbage the last 6 months before she dumped me. When she dumped me she lied to me about her unfaithfulness. We have spoken on the phone four times after she dumped me. I was the one that called every time. Last time was about a month ago.


Last time I called her, I was drunk, and she was also drunk. She started the conversation with honey. She explained that it will always be tuff talking to each other. Then I asked her about this “love crap”. She said that she loves me but not right now. I sent her a text message the day after. She did not replay of course.


The thing is that I miss her. I miss her a lot, but she does not care a bit. In fact, she seems to be happier then ever. I’m okay in periods, stuff work fine and then I get sad thinking about everything. I will move away in three weeks to this University town. I have a lot of my mind. I have an exam on Thursday and then 21 august I must hand in my project. It’s almost finished.


I’m dating a girl right now. We have been dating for about 3 months. She is boring and when I call her she does not have anything to say. She gives me no intellectual stimulation or fun times. The only thing that is good is the sex. But frankly, who cares about the sex. I miss all this couple events me and my ex used to go to. Now I’m just out with my guy friends drinking on night clubs and that’s it.


I still cry sometimes…..because I still love her. I love her so much.

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I agree. I have read a lot of your posts and the way she treated you was disgusting.


I know you are finding it hard right right now but you do seem to have gotten better slowly. I think you should stick to NC and continue to focus on your work. You will get over this eventually and meet someone great who wont treat you how she did, it just takes time.

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Ye its crap man,im in the same boat but theres nowt you can do..Time heals,ive noticed i think a little less about my ex every month,ye its painful to think about her but hey life goes on..Date another woman if this girlfriend isnt doing it for you..

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She treated you like crap.


Write a list of why your better off and stick to it


And if this girl isnt the one for you, let her go and let her find someone who cares, your obviously not ready


Stay STRONG. You will find someone oneday who makes all this worthwhile.


exactly what was said here.

cut off all contact.

think forever in terms of forgetting or you'll never move on.

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I know how you feel. It's almost six months for me too, and what makes it even worse is that I'm moving to the city he lives in a few days after what would have been our six year anniversary. It's going to be very bittersweet. I still cry a lot....not as much as in the beginning but I still do. It's tough. Hang in there. I know moving on seems impossible, but think of it as moving forward. I keep telling myself that at least.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I know how you feel. It's almost six months for me too, and what makes it even worse is that I'm moving to the city he lives in a few days after what would have been our six year anniversary. It's going to be very bittersweet. I still cry a lot....not as much as in the beginning but I still do. It's tough. Hang in there. I know moving on seems impossible, but think of it as moving forward. I keep telling myself that at least.


Its almost 7 months since my ex dumped me and almost 8/9 months since we meet. I contact my ex last week telling her that I will move on monday and asked if we chould meet and talk. She said that she was free Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. I was busy because of my exam so I did not contact her. She texted me Thursday asking for a day to meet. I said that it would be cool during the weekend and that I did pass my exam...


She responded: "Good for you, You choose day and time because it was YOU that wanted to meet". I did not respond, because it obvious that she is want put me out there.


Today I wrote. "how do you succeed everytime"


She responded: I do not understand


I wrote: "I will spell it out for you. You do not contact me on 6 months after, you was unfaithfull, treated me like dirt for 6 months and lied to me and you still look down on me. You are the * * * * here, not me. When you want to say "Im sorry" to me and feel bad about everything. Feel free to contact me and I will see you. This is the last time I will contact you, its for real this time. Send my stuff to my parents. "


Thats it! Im done with her!

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Wait, you asked her to meet you, refused to pick a day to meet her, and then blasted her with a text or email?


Why didn't you just pick a day if you wanted to meet her?


Yeah I know. Its seems unlogical but everytime i try to meet her she starts to push me. The thing is that I want her to be sorry, but you more time that pass I realize that she does not care for me at all. She points out all the time that IM THE ONE THAT WANT TO MEET. That is an very tuff stance for me.


So Yesterday I ended this.




This night after being on a nightclub with my friends I get an text-message from my exs brother. "Never write to my sister again".


So I replay: I asked her to send my stuff today and that this was the last time I will text her about meet and talk. If she wants to say "Im sorry" for her unfaithfullness, lies and nasty things she have done to me, then I want her to call me. If she did not get that, feel free to tell her that. I hope you understand the complexity in all this. Best Regards. Dogdylan


Then I wrote to my ex


I just got an threat from your brother. I hope you understand what I ment in my last message. I will not contact you again and I will have my stuff be sent to my parents house. This is motivated because I feel that you insulted me. I want to point out that I want to hear from you if you want to say Im sorry for what you allready know and for your brother. If I have said something threatning or showed any physical aggression throw my text messages, please tell me. I still find this sad that it all ends like this. best regards from my friends by the way....


In my ex world feelings like this do not exist. She look down on me, I think its fun that I was the one that told her to bugger off but she calls her brother so he can tell me to bugger off. That family is really twisted. Like her dad that left her mom after 20 years marriage for ha 20 years younger woman. Nice people!

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Reminds me of:


He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

-Friedrich Nietzsche


Don't let this girl drag you down to her level, man.


Yeah, I think I have pushed this to far. Hell, she lives 10 minutes from her (Im at a friends house)...I just go there and get my stuff! We will see each either tomorrow 12:00...it will be tuff...

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