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Do Women Like Giving Blowjobs?


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I can understand that. I'm bi too. Women are beautiful and fun to explore, but my main attraction is to men. So many people think that the penis and balls are ugly, and I think they're gorgeous! I also happen to think that vaginas are beautiful too. I just prefer outies, and you perfer innies! lol


Yay! I like how you worded that, innies and outies, lol Yeah I can't say I find penises and balls gorgeous, they're kind of...obnoxious. But hey, I'm to some other weird sh*t, lol. To each his own.

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Sometimes it's a turn on, seeing your guy get all worked up, but it's not something I like to do all the time.


I'm totally with you there. While writing my bills, no thank you. While weaving in and out of traffic (as the driver), it's really not all that great. Sometimes I just have to put my foot down and say, "Not now, can't you see?"


Lol Jetta, sorry, just couldn't resist.


i doubt many people like doing it for what it is, but they do it for the obvious pleasure it creates for their SO. So I'd say no, given a choice they probably wouldn't, but in order to make their SO happy (and some people get kicks out of that) they could (in theory) argue that they do like doing it.


A thin line. But I'd suggest that no they don't enjoy the act of doing it, but they do enjoy the results (which is why they do it).


This is a really reasonable take, tux, and I can see where you'd think that.


But let me ask you this (I know this might be a bit hard to go with, as a guy, but just stay with me here): do you like popsicles? If so, think what about having a popsicle you really like. I mean, compared to say, just if you chewed some cold Skittles or something. When you take your popsicle out of the freezer, or pay the cash register dude, and are confronted with the wrapper, what are those feelings at that very moment? And when the popsicle is then revealed, what's the best moment? And when you are consuming it, how do you treat it? Do you just bite off large hunks and swallow them immediately? (Maybe so, I don't know what your style is, but anyways.) I would guess not. Do you use a fork and knife -- no, why not?


So take all this and then imagine that instead of just finishing and tossing a sticky stick into the nearest trash receptacle, as you reach said stick, the popsicle suddenly grabs you by the hair and screams at you, "God, you're so good!!!!"


What's not to like about that?

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So take all this and then imagine that instead of just finishing and tossing a sticky stick into the nearest trash receptacle, as you reach said stick, the popsicle suddenly grabs you by the hair and screams at you, "God, you're so good!!!!"


What's not to like about that?



No I completely agree, you love doing it because you know your SO loves receiving it. But if you didn't think he was enjoying it - I doubt there'd be any woman here (or in the entire world) who'd continue doing it on their own free will just because they like having it in their mouth or something.

(and please ignore 'rape' or 'unhappy' scenarios, and focus on an example of male apathy to your giving him oral at that time)


So as a result, you can see that women do it because they want to please their SO (as you alluded to above) and because it makes themselves feel better about themselves when they're so obviously 'wanted', and if you think about it logically that's the only reason why they do it in the first place (making their man happy).


So I can see why women would argue they like them, because they like to please their man, but that's the only reason they do it, so in a sense it's not pleasurable to them at all

(and i'd like to cite getting wet from giving a bj is not evidence of enjoyment because that's purely psychological as you're not (usually) being touched in any erogenous zones and you're just getting turned on by turning him on (psychological))

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"So take all this and then imagine that instead of just finishing and tossing a sticky stick into the nearest trash receptacle, as you reach said stick, the popsicle suddenly grabs you by the hair and screams at you, "God, you're so good!!!!"


jEEEZ! That's HOT!!!!! WHEW!

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No I completely agree, you love doing it because you know your SO loves receiving it. But if you didn't think he was enjoying it - I doubt there'd be any woman here (or in the entire world) who'd continue doing it on their own free will just because they like having it in their mouth or something.


Okay, I admit that I wouldn't wrap my mouth around a dildo. I agree, what's the point in that? (Unless I was going through a super dry spell and wanted to make sure to keep my face in shape...or just to keep the old age wrinkles at bay....wait, I'm in a dry spell and feeling sorta old, lol) So yeah, I wouldn't really enjoy shoving a male appendage in my mouth if I knew it was displeasing to him.


But it's a far step from that to this:

So I can see why women would argue they like them, because they like to please their man, but that's the only reason they do it, so in a sense it's not pleasurable to them at all


I'm not sure why you're so invested in making sure to impress upon us that women don't actually enjoy it for IT, and that they are claiming they enjoy it but are dissimulating about the REAL reasons they enjoy it. Why are you so interested in proving women's assertions wrong about what they like? You've apparently missed the whole first part of the popsicle analogy. There's a sensory component about that you've just tuned out.

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haha it is fun to play with!


but i love giving them to someone i love, no doubt about it.


if youre enthusiastic about it, the act will be more pleasurable, pleasing and rewarding to both "parties" so to say, heh.

i mean, i'm surely not the one getting off on it, but i love to make him happy.


plus hey, my turn comes next, right? incentive..

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