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Piercings; A turn on, or turn off?


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Alright, I've always had a thing for piercings. I was telling my friends online yesterday how I wanted to get a couple more; I only have my earlobes and belly botton pierced.


A lot of them said they were cool with it and I should go for it, but one of them said I shouldn't do it. I asked why and he said he found people unattractive if they have facial piercings or more than one set on their ears. It's a big turn off for him.


I've always found piercings very appealing. Not when they are all over your face like in some google searches but just a few are a definite turn on for me. What do you think?

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I think some piercings look good. But wouldn't really like them. It could be a turn on to many people if done tastefully.


This is hawt: link removed But I wouldn't bring myself to do that.


I'd get a belly piercing or one on my ear like this: link removed it's so cute.

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I have three holes in each ear. Two lower, one in the normal spot with pretty dangling earrings and one right above it with a simple silver stud. I also have the top pierced, with a ring in it, usually. I think they look nice and simple easy to dress down or up.


On Guys.....I think eyebrow piercings are cute, but I've never actually dating anyone with them. A huge number of piercings would be a turn off.

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I only have one 14g piercing (in my ear cartiledge; I don't remember what it's called), and my boyfriend has a piercing as well, but elsewhere...


I never thought I'd go for a penis piercing, but he pulls it off well. I guess it just depends on the person. It was kind of a novelty at first, like, "Hey, my boyfriend's got a unique piercing," but after two and a half years, I don't even notice it anymore. He got it before we started dating, and of course I had no idea until later in the relationship (quite a surprise...), but whatever he wants to do is perfectly fine with me. Especially since if I wanted another piercing / tattoo / whatever, I'd expect him to be ok with whatever I chose.


My ex was the kind who would pierce himself wherever possible (eyebrows, lips, chin, multiple times in the ears) and I didn't find that very attractive. But that's just my personal opinion.

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I remember when my best guy friend had to explain what a prince charles was.


"It's a bolt through the ****" were his exact words. How charming of him. I just about spit my drink out.


THAT'S what it's called! Haha, I was racking my brain, trying to come up with the name. Thanks =) Yeah, I'm glad he never described it to me (it's less of a shock just seeing it). I would have been like, "You let someone do WHAT?!"


It's a big bolt, too. Bigger than I would think about putting in my ear... or anywhere.

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