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I'm sorry about your situation - when it rains, it pours. Cry your head off. I do it too, with abandon. It helps sometimes. Dunno about the drinking...


Hey, you and I are in the same area. The weather is good today. Do you ever just go outside and walk and walk? Sometimes that helps me...


Hang in there, man. It will get better. You just need to make it through this time. Easier said than done, I know, but I'm struggling through it too. Hang in there.

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Hi exploding head


I am so sorry that you have so many things on your shoulders right now - especially about your poor mom and of course your dog.


Try to lay off the booze if you can because that will just make matters worse, but there is no harm in having a really good cry sometimes.


Things will improve - it may not seem like it right now. What can you do to help yourself along? Well - you need to get out and start looking for another job as soon as you can. That will help to keep you busy and we all need money coming in, right?


Take care of yourself please.



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Is there a counselor you can go see, this is a lot going on at once. Your mom was fine before imagine her being fine again. You'll get a job. Sorry about your dog. Drinking isn't a good answer, it also weakens the brain so if you feel like your on the verge of a breakdown quit and get help.

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Im here for you too Exploding head, keep posting one here there are some very caring and helpful people on this site to vent to so keep talking okay, it helps. Yes its true that often it doent rain but pours but we are all much stronger than we think and you WILL get through this and come out of it much stronger. Im so sorry to hear about your mother and you dog. Feel all your emotions, its fine to cry, it a good release.

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((HUGS)) I know how you feel but you will come through this, its one of those hard times in your life that will make you stronger in the end, its normal to feel this down so dont think your going crazy cos your not. Weve all been here and are all here to help you through. Its that evrythinbg has hit you all at once, its bound to feel overwhelming but it will get better, your stronger than you think x

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You need to keep your strength up honey, youve got to eat, i know its hard but try to keep your body strong, it has to be strong for your mind to be. Try and eat something and get plenty of sleep. When you feel like this instead of trying to take each day as it comes break it down and take it an hour at a time, you are going to get through this x

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It sounds like you have gotten yourself a bit depressed and in a rut. Sometimes, you need to force yourself to get up and do something - go for a walk to clear your head - go for a bike ride - something - anything that gets you up and out of the house.


Is it an option for you to go and get a puppy? That would be a great distraction.



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Hi, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry to hear about all of the additional stressful things in your life right now. Just know that you will eventually get your old self back, things will improve, even when it feels hopeless (and we've all been there)... time heals and helps immensely. Every bad day you have puts you another day closer, and another step forward, on this crazy road...


Maybe you could go outside and soak up some of this beautiful weather we're having, walk a little.. that helped me during some of my worst moments.

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It sounds like you have gotten yourself a bit depressed and in a rut. Sometimes, you need to force yourself to get up and do something - go for a walk to clear your head - go for a bike ride - something - anything that gets you up and out of the house.


Is it an option for you to go and get a puppy? That would be a great distraction.




wish I could. My lease does not allow dogs. I have to deal wiht my roommates cat that im kinda allergic to. I've just been crying all day. Just cant believe she decided not to love me anymore

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Well that sucks.


So far as she is concerned, you just have to suck up these feelings and cry it out when you need to. There really isn't anything you can do about it so you haveto look out for you now - ok.


This will get easier - I promise you that. Having a good cry often releases a lot of pent up emotions.

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I too feel on the verge of a nervous/mental breakdown most days. I'm actually going to the doctor tomorrow to talk about some prescription drugs as I'm at the point where I cannot help myself at all. I'm not eating or sleeping and I'm a zombie most of the day, only to come home and cry all night and feel alone. I'm not a fan of drugs, but I tried the councilor route and it didn't help me. I used up all my free appointments through an employee assistance program at work, and can't afford to see one regularily. My work has a good drug plan though, so I figure a small dose of something, even if just to help me sleep at night so I can have energy in the day, might help. Maybe you should see your family doctor and see what they can recommend. Maybe they can recommend someone free that you can go and talk to? I use this site as my therepy now. Everyone on here is so helpful, and I find it much more easier to talk and take advice from people that have been through what I'm going through, than some councilor, that's just my opinion though. Maybe I just never found the right one to talk to. Keep posting on here when you are feeling low and everyone will be here for you!

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i know how much it hurts when someone you love leaves you...but your mom needs you right now...you have to be strong for her...if not for yourself...and nobody who leaves you in such circumstances is worth your pain and your time....i am sorry about your dog..i had one and i know how it feels ...when they die..just hang in there...one step at a time...you will get there...try and make yourself busy...

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I'm really sorry you are suffering in this way.


So much in such a short space of time. Must feel like your whole world is crashing down. I know that feeling as I'm very much in it myself.


Crying seems to be the order of the day. Every day!


I think the advice about going outside if you can. I go to a beautiful place which is really quite. If no one is around I get out of the car and stand on top of the steep hill and scream my head off! Not flattering at all and not like me but sometimes you just have to get it out or you will implode.


Please try to take care of yourself and their are people who really care.


Tina x

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