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What I want in a woman (response)

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This is a message in response to a post by Habibti Into in the dating forum. After reading his post I just thought it would be fun to throw some juxtaposition in the matter. His post is in the dating forum and I just think its pretty funny when I think of what I want and what he wants. Please don't take it the wrong way anyone!


This list is written as the person I would imagine I would marry but, hey, you never know when you'll fall in love



She only has to be as fit as she has to be to remain healthy

I hope she will know how to have fun and if that means alchohol, drugs, or a good book then so be it

I would prefer she has at least tried drugs so that she at least knows the experience as I know it

I hope she will be extremely open minded, and understand the joy in life is experiencing life, not suceeding in life

I hope she will not be interested in matierial possession or money

I hope she will work in the creative fields (and if she works in film like I hope to that'll be sweet)

I hope she loves animals and more importantly loves nature

I hope she will be content to lay in the sun and listen to the trees

Our home will be a home, and not a place we use just as a means of sleep but a place to relax. If she wants to have christmas hung around the room all year long I'm all for it.

I hope she prolly won't watch tv but will love movies

I hope she has to be a free spirit with an opinion of her own that is uniquely hers. No more of these girls that change just to make me happy

I don't care if shes educated as long as she can hold a conversation with me and help me to see the things I don't see myself, and vice versa

I hope she will share my opinion that all things are beautiful on some level, and that most things are beautiful on every level


Most important to me is that I hope she knows that everyday of life is full of love and hope. That success is not measured in dollar signs, automobiles, or a stock portfolio. Love is measured in happiness, experience, and love of life itself.

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Hey, thanks for that. It's nice to see somebody write it all down in such a fashion. Makes me think about what I value, and what it is I miss at times. It also causes me to be introspective, and consider maybe how I look to others.

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Most important to me is that I hope she knows that everyday of life is full of love and hope. That success is not measured in dollar signs, automobiles, or a stock portfolio. Love is measured in happiness, experience, and love of life itself.


this is the only thing i appreciate it here..... i;m not so feministic but gotto say this is the very selfish side for man!

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