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I've really fallen hard for a guy who has a bit of a reputation as a player. I know this because of stories he's even told me himself. Not only do I hear about how he has made out with some of my other friends, but I know a lot more about him than probably a lot of his other friends do. Even though I know all these things, I still haven't been able to get him out of my head. I've had a really rough time recently because, since we're pretty close friends in the first place, we hang out often, go out to eat, the works. I'm starting to get a little sick of him telling me about how cute a certain girl is, or how he wishes so-and-so was his girlfriend. I just can't seem to tell him not to because of how it makes me feel. He's been single for a couple months now, and I almost feel as if if I don't do anything now, I'll lose any opportunity.


One thing too: he KNOWS I like him and has know for about six months now. That's another thing that frustrates me a bit. But I'm at the point that I could be really irritated with him, and the next time I see him I can't stop smiling because that's just how hard I've fallen for him. Am I really fighting a losing battle here? Any ideas of how I could actually get him to notice me, or perhaps just any advice at all??

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Well, to be honest, I liked him before he had a girlfriend, WHILE he had a girlfriend, and still like him after he's had a girlfriend, whom I also know pretty well. I've been warned about him before, but it's almost as if I see him differently than a lot of my other friends do...

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You're TOTALLY fighting a losing battle. He's known you liked him for 6 months and he hasn't made a move? That means he's just not that into you! He's also a player so the fact that you know he knows and still nothing is not a good sign...

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Yes, we all kind of want what we cannot have...but I am afraid once you actually ever "got" him, you still wouldn't have him. He enjoys his player status. He isn't boyfriend material. Trust me. You want to "conquer" him, he is a challenge. Or would you be fine with being just another notch on his bedpost?

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He has shown interest in me before. But I was stupid about it. I didn't really return the signs because I knew a close friend of mine, who was also with us, was crushing on him (this is the friend that I later found out he made out with for like... ever. Figures >.


As for dropping off the face of the Earth, I can't just start ignoring him or anything. Regardless of the whole situation, he's still a friend. I just really care about him, unlike a lot of the girls he chases after. I don't know if sooner or later he'll realize it or not...

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