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I need help-I think there's something I don't know


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I don't know what the thing that gets girls going for you is. It seems like some guys in my school know something I don't on getting girls to "hang out" with you more often. Maybe I just happen to hang out in the crowd that all the girls go after, but not me and my CLOSEST friends, I don't know. I don't really think I have a "history", since I've never had a gf yet and I'm not a vandal of any sort. Is there something little girls see in a guy that make girls attracted to them? I don't get where I go wrong: I'm athletic (Varsity athlete and only an underclassman), have a great personality, I have a good social status in school and some of my friends are the guys that can get girls and I'm kinda like them in some ways. Here's a short summary of some bad luck I've had:


In High School, every girl that I've asked out showed some sort of attraction towards me and then they say no, say they would never consider going out with me and then act like they hate me forever. (I do't think I really did anything wrong: I wsan't desperate when I asked them and I wasn't annoying)

Except the one I'm pursuing now-she is interested in me for sure, but seems to be waiting on someone else first (she told me). Now all I need is something that will get her to forget whoever else she "likes"... I am friends w/her sister's bf and her brother. This girl and her sister are very close. I don;t know if any of this helps, but it's some backround info... I haven't been asking out the models of the school either. If I'm a 7-7.5, these girls are 7-8 on the scale. (PS-in our school, girls are either 1-5 (most) or 7-10 (not most))


I may be coming on a little desperate even though I'm not trying to, but I just want to know if there are little things that really get a girl going for you. I don't feel I should have a gf, but I'd like to have one. I appreciate any advice.

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yeah, you just don't have it


cos with your looks and status, it should be a piece of cake. but i think you did yourself no favours when you close yourself off from the 1-5 girls. the 7-10 girls can see your reaction, and become turned off.


since they are 7-10, they will prefer the really top boys, those with the cash and looks and CLASS.


you have a character problem! stop labelling everything. treat every girl equally nice. maybe you won't even care for a 7-10 girl anymore, but will go for a 1-5 girl. hahaha. that probably scares the s--t out of you, don't it?

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Da X Man


Sounds to me like you are putting way to much pressure on yourself. And I would bet money you have a reputation around your school in the circle of girls I mean. Girls talk and they talk about you. Just by the way your talking, you are coming accross desperate. This is my suggestion.

Forget everything you though you knew about getting and hooking up with a girls. Because whatever it is you are doing, it is not working. So try something new and different.A brand new approach. As far as the rating of girls. We'll I think you have your sights lowered and are cutting yourself way short just by doing that. And if I can see that here on the site and don't even know you. Consider what the ladies in your school know who see you everyday and have known you for years. If I can see it, they can see it to. Try something different. You might want to check your image. How we see ourselves and how others see us is two different viewspoints. You may see yourself as joe stud, and others might see you as joe nerd. I'm sure you are a very nice person, all I'm saying is you might want to check around the school, and ask some of your closer friends if maybe you have some underlying (something going on with your image, you may not know about) we all have an image, and we all would like it to be a good one. So check around and see what your image is from others and not yourself. And you can go from their and make any needed ajustments.



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Instead of just going up and asking these girls out, just talk to them and see what their interest is. Take these interest and see if there is any common interest and if there is then start talking to them about these interest that you have in common. You, also, need an aoura of confidence about you. Show them that you have more than what it takes and show that you could do better than them anyways. Show them that you are the man and if they don't like then do not worry about them anyways. Picking up a girl is as simple as confidence. Trust me. Don't ask alot of girls out, because girls talk and that would make you look desperate. You should be more confident considering where your social status is in the school. When you talk to a girl look them straight in the eye and and do not sweat. If you let them see you sweat then they assume that you are week. Also maybe you might want to step down to the 5-7 range and that shouldn't be too hard if you must lable the girls that you talk to.

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i think you did yourself no favours when you close yourself off from the 1-5 girls. the 7-10 girls can see your reaction, and become turned off. since they are 7-10, they will prefer the really top boys, those with the cash and looks and CLASS. you have a character problem! stop labelling everything.


I don't really "close" myself off from the 1-5 girls I'm friends with a lot of them, it's just that I wouldn't consider dating one. And a lot of guys I know and on this site tend to rate girls from 1-10.



Da X Man - Sounds to me like you are putting way to much pressure on yourself. And I would bet money you have a reputation around your school in the circle of girls I mean. Girls talk and they talk about you. Just by the way your talking, you are coming accross desperate. Kuhl

I probably am putting too much pressure on myself, since I see now that not a ton of my friends have gf's anyway. I just have two questions-how can they see I'm coming accross desperate by the way I talk? and What type of bad rep can I have w/the girls (beyond physical appearance)? I don't take drugs, I'm not a bad student in school, I never had a gf before and I don't have all that many enemies in school (good social status in school too).

I did figure out though that one girl I used to get along with and even "liked" (she's a bit popular) until she became a physco (when she saw I know more poeple than she does) and a small group of her closest friends seem to have something against me... (luckily, this does not involve the girl I "like", who I am now friends with - for now)



Picking up a girl is as simple as confidence. Trust me. Don't ask alot of girls out, because girls talk and that would make you look desperate. You should be more confident considering where your social status is in the school. When you talk to a girl look them straight in the eye and and do not sweat. If you let them see you sweat then they assume that you are week.

A little easier said than done. I haven't asked out that many girls (like 5) I am still confident (not TOO confident), but its starting to wear down little by little.


Thanks for all the help so far. I just took out parts of what u guys said to explain them a little bit better. Anymore help would be greatly appreciated.

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