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At a personal loss...


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Okay, I'm at a bit of a loss here...


My gf and I have dated off and on for two years, with me taking a break and dating other people. Recently, I have asked her out again and we've been seeing each other officially. (Note, ages 17).


Now, we talked about what I did with my ex-gfs and I answered honestly. No sex, but we fooled around. When I asked her she said she didn't want me to get mad, that she didn't want to tell me. Further convo and it was revealed she had sex with someone that I do not like, and someone that I warned her of while we were dating.


She says she said no. I want to trust her, because she is my first. However, I have a friend who is like a brother to me that says that he doesn't believe her, she's lied to me before about these kinds of things (There was a guy groping her in one of her classes and she said she'd take care of it and never did)... And that he knows this kid and doesn't think he'd do that.


Now, maybe I'm just paranoid but I got a bad vibe from this kid when I met him, because he hit on my gf while we dated and tried to make a move on her, with me there. I stepped in and he got pissed off. Her story is she said no and he used force. I want to believe that's true. But my friend knows people pretty well and Idk what to think.


Any help, any comments, would be well appreciated in this dark hour of need.

Thank you.

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Since you took time off from this relationship, than what happened while you were apart happened. In the future, I suggest don't discuss these matters. Also, listening to your friends opinions are OK, but you shouldn't take their opinion as truth or fact. No matter how well your friend says he knows people, he does not know them that well! No one does! Think for yourself, don't rely on opinions of others and listen to your heart.

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