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What would you say about this person?


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I know a person who takes chances with their life that no one else is willing to do. Many of her friends don't understand her and her family has mixed reactions.


What would you say about the kind of person who:


1) Is Very Smart but did bad in H.S. because they hated public school

2) At the age of 19, they dropped out of the University of Minnesota and joined the United States Navy

3) At the age of 25, they tried out of the U.S. Bobsled Team

4) At the age of 30, they had become a six-figure financial analyst

5) At the age of 35, they are considering quitting their job and joining Greenpeace

6) They have never been married and have been unable to keep a long-term relationship going mainly due to frustration with an idle-lifestyle.

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okay, well i'm not sure why exactly you are asking but i dunno, i think this person probably never had a strong communication to anyone about how they feel about themselves. he/she seems very confused with him/herself and i think that he/she should probably get in contact with someone close and explain why they are confused. this person probably is very outgoing but is shy and this causes that conflict of interest i suppose because this person is constantly trying to be something they aren't and doesn't realize most likely who they really are. instead of copying everyone else with the actions they take maybe they should see the strongpoints of themselves and expand on it. also this person had probably not found something that they are really good at and this can cause problems. give lots of praise to this person and make sure that they communicate how they feel about everything to someone. you will see a great change in the person if you do.

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Hmm, sounds like someone who thrives on challenging herself to me, and hasn't hit someone yet who doesn't expect that to change in a relationship. Most people are content to hit a "comfortable" lifestyle at some point - she seems to have a constant need to be challenged and master new things and move on to something new when she feels she's topped out where she's at. I don't see that as a fault - but it might be hard for her to find someone who's either on the same page she is, and would be of the same mindset as far as searching out new things, or, someone who's not the same, but who doesn't expect HER to change, and would be willing to wholeheartedly accept and support her needs instead of expecting her to "settle down." She might have more luck finding someone like minded in Greenpeace if she follows through with that - or in an arena like photojournalism, reporting, some of the arts... other areas that require a "driven and seeking" personality to succeed.

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Sounds like she's at the top end of the intelligence scale and has difficulty fitting in as a result. Her thought processes possibly differ from that of the average person, and that's why nobody seems to understand her.


She's driven internally so much so that it's likely hard for her to start to depend on anybody else.


She's searching for something. She hasn't found it yet. Happiness comes from within, and she isn't at that point yet.

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