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*shrugs* lifes too short to bother much with what random strangers you'll never need to meet have a problem with...


Though i'd say general rules should apply whatever the sex of the couples when they're with a group of mates, which is that its not that nice to be trying to have a conversation with one half of a couple with the other attached.. its a bit intimidating and you don't want to see your mates constantly snogging in your face ... but thats just manners.


Homophobia is SO out dated!


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thats what I think but my partner isn't liking the idea...we are both females.


Have you talked about it with her?


What are you talking about? Like making out, groping..etc?


If you don't feel comfortable with it, just tell her, you don't like being that affectionate in public.

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I like being affectionate in public, Like I want to hold her hand sometimes when we are at the beach, or I want to give her a kiss here and there, but shes not like that, she says its not necessary.


ohh ok. Yeah that is fine. Most couples hold hands and give little kisses here and there.


Maybe she is ashamed of being a lesbian? Maybe she is afraid everyone would judge her and stare??

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ashamed not so much, but I think she is just afraid who may see. like family and so on just because not everyone knows and neither of our families know about us. they assume we are best friends.


but yeah i just want to be able to hold her hand here and there and just do stuff like when we go to the beach or to the theme parks that we have around here. I don't know.

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ashamed not so much, but I think she is just afraid who may see. like family and so on just because not everyone knows and neither of our families know about us. they assume we are best friends.


but yeah i just want to be able to hold her hand here and there and just do stuff like when we go to the beach or to the theme parks that we have around here. I don't know.


well that is your answer right there.


Until she can tell everyone, shes not going to be affectionate in public.


have you talked to her about why she hasn't told everyone?


I know it can be scary, but it is who she is, and the people that matter wont care.

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ashamed not so much, but I think she is just afraid who may see. like family and so on just because not everyone knows and neither of our families know about us. they assume we are best friends.


but yeah i just want to be able to hold her hand here and there and just do stuff like when we go to the beach or to the theme parks that we have around here. I don't know.


I think a little hand-holding and snatching a kiss here and there are all fine. But, out of respect for your girlfriend, maybe you and she need to find places where it's OK for her to be more demonstrative. You can't make someone be comfortable if they aren't. Everyone has different feelings about this--and it doesn't mean that they aren't comfortable with themselves or ashamed.


My gf and I are totally comfortable with who we are, as people. And, we're both naturally very affectionate and demonstrative. But, in certain situations, it isn't as comfortable to be holding hands. We were recently at a concert with an audience made up of middle aged and older lesbians and a bunch of peace activists of all ages (Holly Near). Everyone was cool and open. I wanted to hold hands, but my gf didn't want to. It wasn't that she was uncomfortable with being a lesbian. She just felt that since no one else was really doing that, it wasn't approrpriate.


My opinion is to respect her boundaries and try to find places where she can be comfortable. I remember being 20 and visiting Provincetown, MA for the first time. We could hold hands without worrying, and it was amazing. That was a while ago, though!

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Holding hands, a little kiss is fine whether same sex or heterosexual...I just don't care to see make out sessions no matter what the sexual orientation. I find it obnoxious when couples are completely glued to each other in public. Your gf is not comfortable with any kind of PDA and that is just the way it is. You can't force someone to have the same comfort level as yourself. Sure it is disappointing...it is nice to walk hand in hand with the one you love and steal a kiss now and then..but look at the big picture...is she affectionate in private, does she treat you well, do you connect well, do you love each other. Don't make a little public handholding and kiss into a big deal if you have all the other ingredients that make a wonderful relationship. Some people are just not as touchy feely showy as others.

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To the OP:


There are some people who feel very uncomfortable about public displays of affection, regardless of who is it with or what kind of relationship it is. It's possible your girlfriend is part of that group - and not at all that she feels at all ashamed of you.


I would say it is still hard to be openly gay - there still is a lot of judgment and disapproval, and I could also understand if she does just not want to subject herself to stares or looks of disapproval. Getting those looks might not be worth it to her - she'd rather wait to hold your hand or kiss you until you are alone. It's also possible she's not quite comfortable with the idea that she is interested in other women yet (since she hasn't told her parents), and so making it public feels uncomfortable.


My advice would be not to push it - see if she comes out of her shell, and if she doesn't, then try to see that it is not about you at all, and does not reflect her feelings for you.


I feel you though, I love holding my boyfriend's hand and hugging him when we are out and about!

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