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Grief Erection???


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I won't bore you with the details of the situation however...


My FWB (whom is also one of my best friends in the world), came over last night for sympathy. His ex that he is still hung up on, revealed that she was dating someone knew (she had been stringing him along and telling him she still loved him since the day she dumped him, so this came as a surprise to him). To say the least he was depressed and despite the fact that we are intimate, he did not come over for sex. In fact touching me was pretty much off the menu (I cuddled him once and he politely shoved me away, noting that it was reminding him of the she-demon...can you tell I don't like her?). So suddenly he gets an erection. I wouldn't have known, he just was miserbly whining one second and then laughed and said, "Talk about an inappropriate time to get a boner."


Now as previously noted, I was not touching him and he was not in a great mood. Is there a such thing as a "grief erection?" As a woman without a penis, my relationship with erections is usually intimate in nature and not so....random. It just through me for a loop.

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i remember reading years ago how when you are grieving (they were talking about death though) people can become very primal.... like sex is just something that that pleasures and comforts you so its like insinct to respond sexually but obviously it wasnt conscious arousal.

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I am sorry I can't help you on this one...I was just amused by your statement "As a woman without a penis..."...are there women who do have penis? LOL


Did he get the erection immediately after you tried to cuddle with him...maybe it was his body's natural reaction to being touched?


Nope, it was before I ever even tried to cuddle him. It was actually in a pause in the conversation.

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I think it's patently absurd, the idea that there's such thing as a "grief erection". Give me a break! I mean, I have extreme despair erections all the time, but grief erections? No chance. Some of my longest lasting erections, btw, are "flabbergasted erections". They just seem to go on for days and days and days. It's like some kind of natural boner drug.


This is why, upon fielding the question, "What would you like me to make us for dinner", I usually respond to the woman with "I don't know... just surprise me."


The bitterness erection, btw, is the worst erection a man can have. Take it from me. I can never stay bitter toward someone for any measurable length of time so the erection never lasts long enough. Perhaps for the most bitter among us, they can go all night though.

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Never mind him.....he's thinking with his erection head. It never makes sense when he does this.


Oh shoot! You just gave me the craziest "I've just been put in my place" erection.. and I'm at work!? So not cool. Please, in the future, refrain from puting me in my place until after 5pm pacific time.


And to the poster before you... don't worry. I tend to not to get "Befuddled Erections". Befuddlement just doesn't get me off as a general rule.

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Oh shoot! You just gave me the craziest "I've just been put in my place" erection.. and I'm at work!? So not cool. Please, in the future, refrain from puting me in my place until after 5pm pacific time.


And to the poster before you... don't worry. I tend to not to get "Befuddled Erections". Befuddlement just doesn't get me off as a general rule.


So, answer my question. Do you get brain freeze boners too?

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So, answer my question. Do you get brain freeze boners too?


I was about to answer your question, but then I spaced and completely forgot what we were talking about. What were you asking me again? Oh yeah. Well, let me tell you...


Oh shoot. Can't talk right now. Suddenly feel a little bit, erah, nevermind.

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