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How to know


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I know I have been posting a lot and some have probably been dumb but I need the support. So how do I know when I am doomed to the friend zone and if I am being the emotional crutch.


I have come to terms that my ex left me because he was tired of hurting me and depressed and needed to get his head together and knew he could not in a relationship with me as we did not communicate effectiviely. He began to shut down after a falling out with his family and although some of it was my fault 99.8% of it was not. So we broke up. He does not talk to his family, we are still friends and do hang out. (Occasionally). He wants to go for ice cream when he gets back from his travels (as I am currently staying at my parents, yes I have my own place work situation). And I am going to go to AA meetings with him for both of us.


As he is travelling I am watching his/our dog. He needs to stay an extra day possibly on the trip and asked if it would be ok to pick him up Wednesday and I said that is fine and that we were having a great time and went to the park and said wish you were there.


He replied back that he would pick him up Wednesday and return him on Thursday, Glad you had fun wish I was there 2. He is going to another tradeshow (and let me tell you he hates tradeshows as it is a start up company and they do not have alot of money so he is not taking advantage and I told him he could not put the dog in a kennel or I would take him from him, not meanly).


I recently did something stupid in which I had lied about during our relationship. But instead of lying I straight up told him and said I am telling you this because I need to and because I am so tired of not communicating and I need you as a friend.


So things are great as far as our friendship right now (and it has only been a week since I said I need you as a friend), but when do I know I have gotten into the zone where chemistry has ended because we still have that.

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