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Is it possible to actually die from lust? (hot steamy post)

Clementine orange

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so the real secret to a mans heart and pants is apparently... sundresses.


I took my ex shopping at boutique stores for dresses and fancy shoes and nail polish. She would try on all the outfits for me in the store, and I'd be jumping out of my tree to get her home. Then, sometimes, she's text me pics of her with the outfits on and sometimes off in different states of undress.... the outfits that we picked out together at the store. No wonder it's been so hard to get over that one.

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You would like Clementine to pursue the woman that you're lusting after? Well, that's unusual, I'll give you that.


I will fight mushroom god to the death for sundress girl...well, actually I'm non-violent mostly...(exceptions can be made and this might be one of them). How about a nice vigourous debate. The winner gets the sundress girl, the loser gets to debate by himself.

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I will fight mushroom god to the death for sundress girl...well, actually I'm non-violent mostly...(exceptions can be made and this might be one of them). How about a nice vigourous debate. The winner gets the sundress girl, the loser gets to debate by himself.


I don't want the sundress girl! I was talking about jean skirt w/ flip flops girl!

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I took my ex shopping at boutique stores for dresses and fancy shoes and nail polish. She would try on all the outfits for me in the store, and I'd be jumping out of my tree to get her home. Then, sometimes, she's text me pics of her with the outfits on and sometimes off in different states of undress.... the outfits that we picked out together at the store. No wonder it's been so hard to get over that one.


how come i never meet men who want to take me shopping?

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hmmm.... am i the only one who thinks that wearing a sundress that exposes your entire "countryside" to class is a bit tacky.....?


well, she was wearing a sweater over much of the country side. She removed the sweater when she was talking to me. The class loses out....besides heh heh, she's taking women's studies, I doubt there are any men in her class.

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yeah, i think we'd better figure out what 'countryside' means! 'cause showing your bush around campus would be like


Oh...I meant just alot of legs and shoulders and breast. Nothing that wouldn't be seen on a topless beach in the south of France. The country side (so far) does not include the lower nether regions.

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this is what i was thinking...i want to drive a man crazy to the point of needing a cold shower...hmm where can i buy dress asap!!!


Haha Vancouver girl - there's gotta be sun for there to be a sundress.


(for all you people so unfortunate as to not live on the west coast and in the coolest city ever, it NEVER stops raining in Van)

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Haha Vancouver girl - there's gotta be sun for there to be a sundress.


(for all you people so unfortunate as to not live on the west coast and in the coolest city ever, it NEVER stops raining in Van)


that does put a kink in my plan hmmmm lol

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Well it is possible to look alluring in a mackintosh, wellingtons, flizzled hair and a graveyard tan.....


lol...you would still require a cold shower after that eh...some how I don't think it has the same affect as the near sheer sundress...

so are you going to take a chance and ask the ever so lust worthy girl out?

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Oh...I meant just alot of legs and shoulders and breast. Nothing that wouldn't be seen on a topless beach in the south of France. The country side (so far) does not include the lower nether regions.


ah, thank goodness! i was picturing a gauzey white dress, no underwear, a la britney spears. like, 'damn, you wear that to class?'

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lol...you would still require a cold shower after that eh...some how I don't think it has the same affect as the near sheer sundress...

so are you going to take a chance and ask the ever so lust worthy girl out?


Alluringness is marked on the curve, depending on what city you are in.

I'm soooo taking the chance...I think....

but what if the sundress is for someone else! and I was just practice.

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Alluringness is marked on the curve, depending on what city you are in.

I'm soooo taking the chance...I think....


good on you!!! why not right...it's always worth a try...


Well as far as vancouver we may not be able to wear as many sundresses but we do have lululemon!!!

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