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european women vs. north american women


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You can tell a European woman just by looking at her. There is just something there that screams Europe.


I being of European descent see a major difference between American & European women. I also tend to find American women very rude to outsiders as in non-Americans.

But same could be said about Eastern European women that can be blunt.


I do think that Europeans are more family orientated, don't need a sugar daddy and are quiet happy living in apartments and traveling during the summer and more neighbor friendly.


I have also found that Australians want to know more about Europe than Americans do, I feel Americans just care about America. Maybe its just me, but everywhere I went in the US people just seemed to be naturally cranky or if your being served at a shop you can just see they are not enjoying it. Where in Europe they are just different, and not so 'money hungry'.

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I've heard a lot of European countries like Belgium, Germany, Norway, Czech, and some others are very family-oriented. The women find a man they are compatible with and they stick together. No cheating, no 'how much money he has' type stuff.


In America, it is my experience that 75% of women or more have lost touch with this kind of moral belief. Now, most women are all about what they can get. They either want money, power, etc or just can seem to NOT cheat. It's rather disgusting.

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I've heard a lot of European countries like Belgium, Germany, Norway, Czech, and some others are very family-oriented. The women find a man they are compatible with and they stick together. No cheating, no 'how much money he has' type stuff.


In America, it is my experience that 75% of women or more have lost touch with this kind of moral belief. Now, most women are all about what they can get. They either want money, power, etc or just can seem to NOT cheat. It's rather disgusting.


It is your experience and belief that 75% of the women you've met... You can't judge people you don't know.


Also, who says the "family orientation" you believe to be so prevalent in those countries is due to a moral belief?

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I'm finding right now that in America people are much more polite and curteous, they seem to take their time more with things (in a good way) and are much louder lol

Their sense of humor is so different to mine and my boyfriends, they don't always get certain jokes because of the type of humor.


Thats just what I've experienced so far


But obviously you can get the exact same in Europe, just not where I was


However, some of the females I've met have met socially havent been too nice.. no offence to any.

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A Romanian girl told me this; In Europe it is a womens job to be a women in the street, a lady in the kitchen, and a * * * * * in bed. I don't think many American women follow this ethic. Lady always, Women always, * * * * * always? But still these are broad generalizations.

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I don't mean to offend anyone lol, I'm from Canada, went to Germany for Holiday with family..


And.. let me just say, German women are extremely sexy and kinda easy.. I dunno what it was, maby it was the beer.. But my cousin brought me to a bar that was 2:1 women and we had 2 dancing with us within minutes of getting in there, very down to earth women.. I find alot of Canadian women to be stuck up and selfish.

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I think part of it is that when people are vacationing in other countries, they're in a more relaxed mood, they have more of a reason to talk to strangers (they don't know where anything is), they're actively checking out other people and looking to have a good time, and all this leads them to have a false impression of the women (or men) in the country.


Although for what it's worth, the girl with probably the best personality I've ever met came from England.

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Americans-neurotic about germs, obsessed with youth, insular about their own country-international news? What's THAT???? (Unless it involves the USA) Not as down to earth or cynical as Europeans. Materialistic.


On the plus side-friendly, happy, interested in other cultures ONCE THEY GET TO KNOW SOMEONE FROM ANOTHER COUNTRY. Very adventurous and fearless about driving and going long distances. High standards and expectations about the lifestyle they feel they're entitled to.

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Hm I find this interesting.


I have been living abroad, I am a European woman, my nationality is Italian and I have been to USA many times so I think I can compare.


I would say the biggest difference is that European women are so much more natural. They have a style, clothing style is very important to them. Although, it is very different in UK than in France or Italy. So European women cannot be generalised too much. For example, Eastern European woemn like Czech, Estonien and so on are very famous for being naturally beatiful.


When I look at American women, I find them a bit uptight. It's like they are in competition with men. And it is so unattractive. Women in Europe are so much more feminine and I think that is what makes women beautiful. It is the way they hold themselves, how they dress.


For exammple, Italian or French women will not necessarily wear really short * * * * ty skirts like and really short tops. They will reveal some part of their body but in a very subtle way. It is not over the top.


I have an American friend and when she came to Europe, she was amazed at the style of the women over here. She was saying that people make so much effort with their appearance. What they wear and they have a style. She said she was amazed how slim the girls were here. I am talking about continental Europe like France, Italy and Czech Republic. These are the 3 countries we visited. She said that in US the style is so behind. But of course it does not mean to say that American women are not slim. I think she was just shocked that being slim over here is so much more of an norm. However, in USA, it seems that being slim is something people really need to work towards. At least that's how she sounded.


Well, when I visited USA, I have to say I have noticed how casually the people were dressed. And then if you go to California, it is so over the top and everything seems so fake. She explained to me that unfortunately there is no medium. It's either that or that.


Also in Europe, it is quite normal that men still open the door to the women and they basicaly treat them as women. It seems to me that in America, women want to be too equal and it is going a little too far and it is kind of scary.


I have met some American men in the past, and I have been told many times that European women have something about them, something very mysterious.. well, I guess to some extent it is true. The European women do. Although as someone said here, Europeans can be really liberal as well. Although at first they can be really reserved. So it takes much longer to open them up. However, in USA everyone seems so friendly and open and the women quite loud.


But you have got to remember, women in England for example are not the same as women from Prague or Paris. The English women are famous for having bellies and wearing short skirts and getting really drunk and sleeping around - not attractive. Of course not all are like that, I have quite a few English friends who are not this way but women in Italy or France are more famous for its elegance and natural beauty.


I guess it is the same in USA, you cannot expect a woman from New York to be the same as a woman from Texas right?


So I would say that this is the main difference.

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I am a European woman, my nationality is Italian and I have been to USA many times so I think I can compare.


Well you didn't so much compare as put the boot into women from the US and UK whilst at the same time putting the women from Italy, Czech and France on the same rung as Cleopatra.


I'm sorry, but I think the only objective opinion on such a question can come from someone who is neither from Europe nor the US.

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Not at all. It was not meant to say the Europeans are better. Actually I know many UK friends, who are very attractive. I was just showing that is is difficult to generalise European girls as there are some big differences within a country as well as between the countries. And as for USA, I have seen some really pretty girls. But this conversation is about the comparison between Europe and USA, well this is what I think and I was actually saying on here what my American friend told me herself and what some American men said. I would not say it myself. I have my own observations which I have mentioned.

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About Europeans,


European women are so much more natural.


They have a style


are very famous for being naturally beatiful.


how slim the girls were here.


European women have something about them, something very mysterious


women in Italy or France are more famous for its elegance and natural beauty.


About Americans and UK,


I find them a bit uptight.


And it is so unattractive.


how casually the people were dressed. And then if you go to California, it is so over the top and everything seems so fake.


America, women want to be too equal and it is going a little too far and it is kind of scary.


and the women quite loud.


The English women are famous for having bellies and wearing short skirts and getting really drunk and sleeping around - not attractive.


I cannot find one criticisim of European women nor one compliment toward US women.

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I'm sorry, but I think the only objective opinion on such a question can come from someone who is neither from Europe nor the US.

I think any one can have an objective opinion, its hard to do and most fall very short, but it is possible for a resident of either.


I've lived in the US for my whole life, but had several European friends (male and female) and spent some time in Europe. I find both groups of women to have far more in common than different. Sure there are individual women that will stand out on both sides as following this mindset or that stereotype, but over all the women are women. Their culture is predominately similar because guess where most Americans came from... EUROPE!

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I think any one can have an objective opinion


It's possible but the tendency is to compare like the poster above...exaggerate the positives of your group and focus on the negatives of the other.


I find both groups of women to have far more in common then different.


As a male and an "outsider", I don't think so. Other than the obvious (they are both female) I get a completely different experience talking to a European woman than an American one. And never-too-late is certainly right in one thing, women are quite different from country to country in Europe.


But fundamentally, the gender culture women in Europe are brought up into compared with the gender culture in the US is very different.


I do have a sense that this may be changing and I have to admit my experience is mainly with age 30plus women. It may well be that the younger generations are moving closer together as we globalise more.

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My experience is mostly with women my age and they were sciences and math oriented people. We were all on very similar wave lengths, maybe it was the math talking, but we had a lot in common. I did meet several older women on tour groups and the most interesting were in Italy. I enjoyed talking to everyone I met.


Why has the question of the difference between the men not been brought up?

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American women no longer actually resemble women anymore.


Why not?.............


But the real kicker was when I asked who was one of the hottest girls in school (she still is pretty hot after ten years!)


Who was this girl? European?

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Why not?.............




Who was this girl? European?


1) Well because of the whole bullsh!t feminist movement. When American women started to want to get equal benefits as men but without all the hard work that it entails and American men gave equality to them on a silver platter no questions asked look at the American portrayal of manhood 30 years later. Sitcoms where the guy of the house is an idiot and it's always the wife who is the responsible one, divorce laws that automatically favor the woman over the man, unjust laws that make it a crime to tell a female coworker how beautiful she looks and gender traitors like Dr. Phil who have drilled the concept into the American male mind that most of the stuff you do to pursue a woman is wrong and that every woman has a right to call the cops on you and accuse you of anything from stalking to rape if you so much as dare to ask her for her number.


2) She was Latin. I live in a Latin country.

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Being a European woman myself I can tell you that European women are a lot more direct, generally mentally healthy because they don't sweat small stuff, dislike superficial people, a lot more forgiving and understanding and don't take any crap from anyone. Hope it answers your question.

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I'll be careful what I say here because such commentary requires gross generalisations.


My experience is that Europe is still a very patriarchal society and that is many many centuries old an people clearly understand their roles.


The US is more a familial society and that is far more ambiguous and people, including women are required to create their roles.


The fundamentals are very different. Each has its' good an bad points. And that is my point. Not American women are all bad and European women are all good as described by one poster above.

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