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Um... to trust or not to trust?

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ok! this is the situation!

the boyfriend and i have been together for a good seven months and things are pretty smooth! i mean i love this guy and even if we hang out so much that we fall on our nerves a little we still love each other just as much


i was at his place the other day and i was looking at one of his tattoos more closely and he was telling me how he told his ex girlfriend when they were going out that he had gotten this part of his tattoo that looks like a K for her last name. so that she would be a part of him forever and bla bla bla. now i know that they loved each other a lot back in the day to. and i really don't care about this to much. i think its cute. But the truth is, it was a part of the tattoo and he totally made it up to get some play. He never got a k placed in there.... it was just part of the tattoo. he noticed it looked like a k so he told her this and that to get her all "Im special"


He sais he would never have to do that with me cuz i keep on giving like there is no tomorrow... but i can't help but feel like he is less trustable. I mean if he did this to the girl he loved he could very well do it to the girl he loves now? how do i know he is not making up stuff to me. or saying the night went like this when really it didn't?


the sad thing is she still thinks he got a k tattooed on him because of her and its been a good couple years!


Am i trippin?

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I'm going to have to agree, I have found it better, to completely trust in the beggining...no crime no foul right?.....its better than wondering all the time..and not to mention he was younger when he told her that lie..young and stupid you know?..I can't tell you how many people steal lyrics from music artists and pass it as there own...its a lie, but its love..so its all good


Regards ~rainswept

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Since there's no way to know what his motives were with his ex for certain, not knowing the exact circumstances - I'd say you're going to have to judge how he acts with you as just that - how he acts with YOU. People do learn and grow from relationships - maybe this is a lesson he learned from his previous one - and your reaction seems to have definitely given him the idea this is something you wouldn't appreciate from him. I can see how it might give you a bit of an uncomfortable feeling - but try and take a step back and see if he's ever given you personally any reason to doubt him, and if not, put this one aside. It doesn't sound like his intentions were horrible, more an error in judgement of something to say to make her feel special, and something he seems to know better about now. I wouldn't make an issue of this one.

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