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What book are you currently reading?


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So far, I actually really don't like Memnoch. It's possible the book could get more interesting but I've read most of her work and loved it but this is unimpressive.


Did you read the Sleeping Beauty series she authored? I haven't tried those yet

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Hey go libertarians.


I r reading math textbooks.


I can't imagine ever having the willpower to read a math textbook, I'm on an Engineering degree heavily based in complex mathematics and I've never so much as touched a book. My idea of hell!


Saying that I am geeking up on my C++ with Stroustrup's "The C++ Programming Language". That's more out of necessity than actual leisure however, got to complete a pretty complex program by the end of the month.


Anyway, I'm reading Burroughs' "Naked Lunch". It actually horrifies me at some parts. Such a strange, strange piece of work.

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I can't imagine ever having the willpower to read a math textbook, I'm on an Engineering degree heavily based in complex mathematics and I've never so much as touched a book. My idea of hell!


Saying that I am geeking up on my C++ with Stroustrup's "The C++ Programming Language". That's more out of necessity than actual leisure however, got to complete a pretty complex program by the end of the month.


Anyway, I'm reading Burroughs' "Naked Lunch". It actually horrifies me at some parts. Such a strange, strange piece of work.


It is just Linear Algebra (manifolds, vector fields, matices.. what have you). Trying to fill in some gaps. No big.

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Still reading Sarum.... 1000 pages and I started in on it right when my workload at my job spiralled into 15 hour days... I'm just over 100 pages into the thing in like 3 - 4 weeks time.


I am now in the 300s, so picking up the pace. It's a decent read, like a bunch of stories at different times in history that all occurred in the Salisbury area of England. Goes back to caveman times and stops in the early 1900s.

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Enzarto - yes I read 1984 back in 1984, believe it or not (9th grade assignment). I liked Animal Farm much better, and to this day find it a better allegory.... in fact, it can fit the modern workplace sometimes.


Glad to hear you like it. 1984 was held closer to orwell, but animal farm was much more creative in the obscene way it was portrayed, kind of funny in a way, but a twisted description of the Russian political structure

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