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my boyfriend broke up with me 3 weeks ago, saying he needed space and time to think...He's not ready to settle down yet. ANyway, are there ways to make him jealous, to make him realize I will move on if he doesn't make up his mind?! I know this probably sounds bad, but I really want him to come back. I know he wants to be with me....but he is scared of the commitment and all that..... He tells me he is just now thinking about the break-up and single life.

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Of course there are ways to make him jealous from simply flirting with other guys to going into another relationship, but there is no way people aren't going to judge you for it, and it isn't a particularly mature way to deal with things.


If you want him back, keep the lines of communication open, give him time, do your own thing and don't be too eager to jump into anything new.


But, if you want to force the matter, go ahead.

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I hope you're not being serious. If he comes back to you instigated and provoked by jelousy then he will spend a few months with you and tell you the exact same thing again, that he's not ready to settle down. He has to come back to you because he IS ready to settle down and because he is positive about a future between you two. If you try to trick him into coming back, which is highly unlikely, but if you do you will have him around for a short lived while and he will bounce away same as now. Your best bet is to move on with your life accepting his decision and if things are mean to be they will be.

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Just so you know from a guy's perspective, if I break up with a woman and it's a decision I made, then I would be happy and better off is I saw her flirting and dating other guys rather than not doing anything at all because it would give me the impression that she's having a good time and that she is able to be happy in life and move on despite the break-up I put her through. Your jelousy scheme might do just that.

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Yeah I wouldn't try and con him back into the relationship. Despite word amoungst you females, guys aren't that stupid. I know i'd pick up that she was just trying to make me jealous and get really turned off by it and not date you again, ever. Or i'd make it even and take you back and then talk about how many hot girls i banged while we were separated.

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You dont wanna be playing games. you make him jealous he wont want you back. If this was done to me i would say to hell with the girl. You want him to miss you? NO CONTACT!! This makes a person think things through and wonder if thier decision was right. Also, by you not talking to him will make him wonder if your moving on and this may scare him. Trust me. NC works and if he doesnt contact you, in the mean time you have already started the healing steps. Dont hold your breath. This could be it. ALWAYS in a break up, one or the other always wants them back so this is normal but just start your process and let time tick its way through. If its meant to be, it will be!

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