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So let say someone is very handsome, but have bad skin for his age at 22. Not horrible skin, but not the youngest looking skin, and doesnt really look that young for 22, lines around eyes, ruff bumby texture with large pores on the front of face of either cheek. How much does bad skin detract from someones overall attractiveness in your opinion, can someone who is handsome be as good looking if they have bad skin?, Can someone who is unattractive counteract their bad looks by having really good skin? How important is it?

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In all honesty, there is this one guy who I would like a heck of a lot more and would show interest in and hope for something with if only he didn't have really bad acne. His entire face and also his elbows and some of his neck are covered in large pustules so much that it almost makes me think of a low-grade case of leprosy. It grosses me out immensely. If he didn't have it, I would think him attractive and pursue something. But I think I would gag if I ever touched his face or elbow or had to kiss him. And that alone ruins it.


I do have an issue with skin though beyond that. I tend to only like guys who have really pale skin because you can always tell when they have very clean skin. Guys who have tanned looking skin always end up looking like they're dirty or something I've found. Odd but true. I have a thing about really clean hands. Example, look at Alan Rickman's hands in the link I'm providing: link removed


His hands are the perfect example of the kind of skin I like on a guy, especially concerning his hands. Very clean looking, not tanned and thereforeeee dirty looking, and the hands are not too chubby and they're most importantly, not too skinny; I can't stand long, spindly fingers on a hand. I knew a guy in high school who was really skinny, kinda short and is the perfect example of guys I don't like physically: He had a tanned look to his skin and it always gave the appearance of being dirty; he was so skinny but when he flexed his muscle would show, but it was a gross sinewy kind and he was so angular looking; and his hands were small but had long fingers. I could never imagine holding hands with a guy whose hands were so slender and long-fingered. Something about the idea creeps me out.


Reasons for skin and the need for non-skinny guys in my life: If I'm ever going to kiss him, I don't want to find his skin disgusting enough that I'm hesitant. If I'm going to hug him, I don't want to feel a bony body - I want a guy to have muscle and broad shoulders so that I'm getting hugged, rather than giving the hug, if you know what i mean.


I know I sound picky but that's how it is. I have a whole list of things in fact that I can't handle - namely bad body odor and smoking - two biggest turn-offs! I have a sensitive nose.

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I had a friend who had bad skin for years. It wasn't horrendous, but it was pretty bad. He would talk about how he wanted to fix it...and he did (he went to the dermatologist, tried new things he hadn't tried before, and one of the treatments worked). He now looks great. The amount of female attention he's gotten has skyrocketed. Just goes to show, you could be very attractive, but bad skin can hurt you.

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I don't believe attraction or lack of attraction is an issue of shallowness.


Standards of attractiveness are. i do believe there are women out there who will pass up guys soley based on their appearance.. now you may be thinking 'wow no way' but.. yes way. and what do we call women who pass up guys because of their appearance?? shallow.

and we even have levels. moderately shallow, horribly shallow, slightly shallow, and 'just dont give a crap.'

now... as for established couples.. it doesnt matter. compatability and perception of others always outshines physical appearance every single time.. known fact.

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Your hormones are really doing a number on you. Do you have lots of sex?? Cause that'll really fluctuate your mones.. I suggest you start washing your face with some benzoyl peroxide 10% twice daily and also apply a moisturizer. If that doesn't help, than you should see a dermatologist ASAP to possibly see about getting on some antibiotics that'll help clear that skin up...

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Looks are one thing but they aren't everything. I have dated guys who are shorter then me, skinnier then me, whose skin isn't perfect. I would much rather be with someone who can stimulate me mentally over someone who is pretty to look at...

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I use cleanser and moisturizer because i started noticed fine lines around my eyes at age 20! I plan to see a dermatologist real soon, so hopefully they will help, it just gets to me when i see my friends who have partied as much as me growing up not have the problems i am already having, I dont want my skin to turn out like that mexican actor's from Dusk till Dawn and Con Air

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I use cleanser and moisturizer because i started noticed fine lines around my eyes at age 20! I plan to see a dermatologist real soon, so hopefully they will help, it just gets to me when i see my friends who have partied as much as me growing up not have the problems i am already having, I dont want my skin to turn out like that mexican actor's from Dusk till Dawn and Con Air


yeah, don't squeeze or pop your pimples. don't scrub your face everyday either. i don't know what kind of aftershave you use, but use a gentle one for your skin. talk with a good dermatologist or a good aesthetician. honestly, i've had aestheticians do a lot more good for my skin than doctors. i don't know how your skin looks, but i would not be attracted to a man with deep cystic acne. a few pimples here and there would be fine, but not massive amounts!


ironically, a guy i dated for a while told me he didn't like my skin. i had small breakouts. because i was kissing him and he had a goatee! my skin is sensitive. it was his fault i was breaking out!

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I would not consider my attitude towards guys to be shallow because my interests in guys does not extend to only looking for "pretty" guys - I look for guys I am attracted to. There are certain things about a guy which immediately disqualify him as attractive and that includes strong body odor of the stinky variety; smoking; really bad skin; dirty appearance. It so happens that some guys have a darker tanned look sometimes and they appear as though they need a scrub brush taken to them. That is unattractive. Normally I end up liking really nerdy types of guys and they're normally the ones who I get crap from friends for liking. The normal reaction is "Why do you like him, he's so nerdy." Big deal. I don't go for the typical pretty boy. Never really interested me much. Take Pirates of the Caribbean - I'd take Jack before I'd take Will. I'd take Aragorn before I'd take Legolas (maybe it's just Orlando Blood I won't take - lol - no, he's an example of a pretty boy, and that's the point).


Now I normally have a type: rugged-looking, Irish/Scottish, tall, dark, and broad-shouldered, handsome guys with the ability to grow facial hair (I like goatees and 5 o'clock shadows). However, that has not stopped me from liking a skinny Japanese boy, a skinny blonde, and a red-haired guy - none of whom could ever pull off more than a few facial hairs.


And again, there is this one guy who I get along with and would have definite interest in if only he didn't have such horrible cystic acne. It's bad enough that he will have worse scars later in life than Tommy Lee Jones. But right now he has massive pimples. Can't handle that.

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