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dumper, be honest, do you check ?


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i know its really petty but im wondering if you were with someone and you loved them and you dumped them and it was a tough breakup. A breakup that seemed to last forever until you finally stopped trying to be friends.


Do you check out the myspace page? do you ever even wonder whats going on?

if so, how long did it take you to stop or do you still pop by once in a while?

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so you dont just cuz you are over it? or cuz you are bitter?


I wouldn't because I wouldn't want to be reminded of her. Just because you do the dumping does not mean you have no feelings for the person. I may look in a year or two when we had both moved on.

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so you dont just cuz you are over it? or cuz you are bitter?


im talkin about when you do the dumping.


No no.. I mean maybe the ex is bitter who I dumped. SOme exes tend to write stuff about exes or refer to them.. especially on myspace and such social sites. I dont have it anymore.


I'm sure ur ex must look at your page. Just not like he stalks it or anything. Maybe an occasional glance.

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thats my thought exactly.

i guess i hope he looks so that he sees if im with someone else and he'll come crawling back. fat chance.


GREYWOLF, please dont refer to people you dumped as losers. Since we dont the details of them it doesnt make anyone feel good. honestly.

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thats my thought exactly.

i guess i hope he looks so that he sees if im with someone else and he'll come crawling back. fat chance.


GREYWOLF, please dont refer to people you dumped as losers. Since we dont the details of them it doesnt make anyone feel good. honestly.


npc i have never dumped anyone except for one guy that cheated on me.

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