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Im white, and my girlfriend is mexican

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Ive been going out with this girl for a month and I like her and Im pretty sure she likes me, but she is mexican and Im just a plain old white boy. Now, her race doesnt make a difference to me at all, but people seem kind of weirded out by it. I couldnt believe it, but they are. Honestly, I wont be offended or anything because it wont change a thing, but do you guys find it weird?

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I dont find it weird at all, I think those people that consider it weird are the weird ones. It doesnt matter who you are, when your in love. Just dont listen to what people say. (I do kinda find it weird though that in my school, its the other way around. Theres a mexican guy that likes this white girl. Just thought it was a weird coincidence since you brought it up )

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My white best friend married a black man and he's been accepted into her family as one of their own, along with our whole circle of friends. We don't even notice the color difference. Go for it.....if someone's going to be prejudiced, they're also ignorant and their opinion isn't worth squat, in my opinion!



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me and my gf belong to different races. Ok we're not black and white but in a way, I can still relate to what you feel. I don't think at all that its weird and most people wouldn't either. Perhpas in older generations or more traditional people.


FIrst understand that as long as you like her, who cares about what people think, and don't let them get to you, stand up for whats urs and if it ain't, it won't be.


Happy Heb

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I was thinking... if ur still following this I'd like to ask you why you vowed to never date a black girl if you urself is black too? Are you ashamed of your own race or is it just you've had enough of black girls? lol i just don't get it everyone's different and for me, a race of people doesn't mean that they are all the same or even have the same similarities.


Happy Heb

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Race does not matter in a relationship. Its compatability, love, and respect that counts. We have many friends who are mixed race couples and they have absolutely wonderful relationships.


Unfortunately you will always find "those people" out there who are closed minded and bigoted and just cannot see past the surface. I would be lying if I told you that you will never face judgement and condemnation by these people. The challenge for the two of you will be to ignore the prejudices of others and simply focus on each other. As long as the two of you stand together, who cares what the simple-minded people think

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I am Black and Puertorican, and Thank God, my parents got together cuz I"m one hot chick (LOL). No but really on a more serious note, who cares if your white, she's green. If the women makes your toes curl then that's the lady you go for. Its almost 2004 and race is not looked at in the same light as it used to be looked at. People are learning to except it more now and days and because of that, your gonna be fine. Mixed children are sometimes the most beautiful children in the world.




I however don't like what the other young man said about he "VOWED TO NEVER DATE BLACK WOMEN" that's a little much, truth be told there are a lot of wonderful , successful, smart, beautiful black women and all they need is a real man who can handle then.


But you go for this woman and stay true to her, ignore all the ignorant people, Ignorant people out number us, theres nothing we can do.

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I was wondering -- is this your first time dating someone of another race? I used to only date exclusively within my own race (african-american). It wasn't a conscious choice, it's just what seemed "natural", I guess. But as I grew older and more self-confident, I opened up to the possibility of dating outside my race.


My reason for asking if this is your first experience in interracial dating, is that the first time I dated a white man, I noticed people giving me strange looks when we'd walk hand in hand on the street, in stores, etc. and I felt uncomfortable. That relationship didn't really last very long. I've been with my current boyfriend (also a white man) for over 3 yrs. and I have to say I never notice people looking strangely at us. And no one acts "weird" either. And I believe the *true* reason is because I'm totally comfortable with it. If there's any weirdness, I don't see it.


I believe that when you become totally comfortable with dating this woman, you won't notice people being weird anymore, either because it's no longer happenening or because better yet, you'll no longer care.


Be happy~



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