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Ladies: What is your picture of a perfect Boyfriend


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I don't like lists because I always meet someone who doesn't fit the list, and I still like them! So the only thing I want is to be attracted to them, chemistry, respect, and someone who makes my heart skip when I think of him


Tru but i have a little list. I try no to make it too long cuz i never know who my soul mate may be but here is mine in a gurl followed by my reasons


-Non smoker (i don't smoke, it stinks, i don't like it, yellow teeth are a turn off, i just don't find smokers attractive)

-In college or has a good carrier (McDonald's doesn't count, I need my partner to contribute to the family, doesn't need to make boatloads but she's not free loading off of me)

-Stable, healthy relationship with her family (crazy people come from crazy families)

-Doesn't have a horrible attitude (a little attitude is fine, but i dont find neck bobbling chics attractive at all)

-Has to have a good self esteem

-Happy personally

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Is sometimes very affectionate and available, then at other times very aloof. It keeps me interested!


Adventurous and open-minded.


Good personal hygeine, style and at least average-looking.


Intelligent - grammar Nazis are a bonus, too!


And of course, he must be attentive and have a fantastic sense of humour.

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Independent, but not someone who is never with me.


Enjoys his own hobbies.


Not Possessive, controlling, obsessive over me.


Intelligent, needs to be able to spell.




Takes care of himself, his bills, his money, etc. I will not be his bank.


Funny, great sense of humor and can make me laugh even when I want to scream or cry.


In tune with who I am, how I would feel, someone who pays enough attention to me to know my quirks, my beliefs, etc.


Looks at me with tenderness and love in his eyes.


Would never disrespect me, cheat on me, lie to me. I need honesty.


Loves dogs.


Wants to get married and have kids.


Has interests of his own, with friends to hang out with.




Family oriented.


Kind, caring, nice, ethical, morals, etc.


Understands that I am independent and have my own interests as well.


Trusts me.


No drugs or smoking. Drinking in moderation is ok.


Does not drive drunk.


Is not into having power.


Down to earth.


Laid back.


Puts me towards the top of his list, not the bottom.


Has patience and will teach me new things.


Will offer me help without me asking.


There has to be chemistry between us.


I am sure I could think of a bunch more, but this will do.

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I would begin by eliminating the word "perfect" from the title of Boyfriend.


Generally, this would be my list:


1) Content with himself

2) Working on being emotionally aware

3) Satisfied with just ONE woman

4) HONEST (no "life on the side")

5) Gainfully employed

6) Patient, no anger issues

7) Good sense of humor

8 Likes to go out and have fun together, or just stay home

9) Intelligent, well-read, well-educated

10) Kind to animals

11) Tries to be a clear communicator and good listener


That's my list right now. I didn't want to make it too long...but I think I really just want a kind, humble, honest person.

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My perfect partner would be:


Someone I could laugh with and feel free to be completely myself.


Someone I had complete trust in and who trusted me.


Someone with humility and understanding that nothing worth having is easy in life.


Most of all though.....


Someone who truly loved me for who and what I am without prejudice.

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Tall - I am pretty tall, so the guy needs to be taller than me


Thin but not skinny, in good shape


Comfortable with himself, not afraid of being a dork


Independent, likes to do his own thing, has his own life outside of me




Someone who has goals, doesn't matter what they are


A good conversationalist, witty, sarcasm is key


Loyal and honest, someone I know I can trust, someone who trusts me


Kind and considerate


Responsible, but at the same time knows how to have fun


Can teach me things and is willing to learn things from me


Plays the guitar - Doesn't have to, but it's a bonus


Ski/snowboard - I do this in the winter, so it would be nice to have someone who enjoys it too

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-Likes me FOR my eccentricities rather than DESPITE them




-All of the kind, honest, caring, loyal stuff


-Not pretentious... as an English major, I know enough pretentious men, thank you very much


-Keeps me responsible for my actions by calling me out if I'm acting inappropriately


-Someone with whom I feel comfortable sharing my emotions


-Passionate about life


-Someone who is my best friend on top of being my boyfriend


-Makes me be a better person!

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I would begin by eliminating the word "perfect" from the title of Boyfriend.


Generally, this would be my list:


1) Content with himself

2) Working on being emotionally aware

3) Satisfied with just ONE woman

4) HONEST (no "life on the side")

5) Gainfully employed

6) Patient, no anger issues

7) Good sense of humor

8 Likes to go out and have fun together, or just stay home

9) Intelligent, well-read, well-educated

10) Kind to animals

11) Tries to be a clear communicator and good listener


That's my list right now. I didn't want to make it too long...but I think I really just want a kind, humble, honest person.


Sarati, can I take your list and photocopy it? The only thing I'd add would be "close to his family, family orientated" and I'd hope he'd "love animals" but being kind to them works as well.


And he won't be perfect and won't expect me to be either. We'd love each love because of our faults, not in spite of them

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I would begin by eliminating the word "perfect" from the title of Boyfriend.


Generally, this would be my list:


1) Content with himself

2) Working on being emotionally aware

3) Satisfied with just ONE woman

4) HONEST (no "life on the side")

5) Gainfully employed

6) Patient, no anger issues

7) Good sense of humor

8 Likes to go out and have fun together, or just stay home

9) Intelligent, well-read, well-educated

10) Kind to animals

11) Tries to be a clear communicator and good listener


That's my list right now. I didn't want to make it too long...but I think I really just want a kind, humble, honest person.


Hey thats me!!!! whoa wait im still in college scratch number 5 lol

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Perfect girlfriend ...


Believes in true love

Is open to all beliefs and cultures

Isn't racist

Is intelligent without rubbing it in peoples faces

Is kind hearted

Is a decent cook

Doesn't judge others

Enjoys nature/animals

Has a natural beauty

Is ladylike and respectful in public

Appreciates romantic gestures

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Perfect girlfriend ...


Believes in true love

Is open to all beliefs and cultures

Isn't racist

Is intelligent without rubbing it in peoples faces

Is kind hearted

Is a decent cook

Doesn't judge others

Enjoys nature/animals

Has a natural beauty

Is ladylike and respectful in public

Appreciates romantic gestures


added to my list!

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Could play either Piano, violin, guitar, drums, bass, or sing well.


Was exciting and adventurous.




Appreciated a good jazz impromptu.


Athletic but not buff, I prefer slender but with nicely shaped arms and shoulders


Could joke with me and keep up with my playfulness


Knows what he wants and how to get it


Deathly loyal to good friends and me


Chameleon; (is okay with snuggling at home, associating with the aristocrats, on the streets) He needs to be able to follow me wherever I go and lead me to places that he wanted to share with me.


Had a darker side but felt secure enough to talk to me about it.


Whoa..that's me there..I just don't associate with aristocrats..may be i will after my MBA at Harvard or Kellogs..

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