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need advice on a girl(ADHD)

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I met a girl from Hueytown at a job preparation class this week. She's super cute and has a really pretty face and short brown hair and is very, very, nice. I find myself very attracted to her, but sorry to say, all I could think about was hooking her up with my best friend! He would absolutely love her!! I guess it's because I have very strong feelings for my girl who seems to be coming back to me.

Anyway, I've tried this before, and gave the wrong advice at about how to approach her,(Read my post, search for "prom" and look for "Does she...")

and it didn't help my friend at all. I really shouldn't try this again, but I want them to get together and this time, I know what the girl really likes to talk about. She's very sweet, but has ADHD and i don't know how to tell him to approach her and talk to her. I hope this doesn't offend anyone, but can I have some advice from someone who has it and tell me what you look for in a guy?

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I am with Mermayd. Have him approach her the same way as anyone else. However, do tell him in advance. I have two brothers having ADHD. There's really nothing wrong with them, but this 'disorder' brings more or less confusion in their minds. I am not sure what ADHD is exactly about, just that I see my brothers being confused over what to do and in what order. I found that 'outsiders' that don't understand the disorder can be a little troubled by that.


I hope this helped some. Good luck!


~ SwingFox ~

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I often times think i have ADHD, never been diagnosed but i can't concentrate on things for a long time (30 minutes is absolute tops) college classes bore me straight to hell, etc, maybe i'm just lazy... but i've got friends with it and they're just as if not more "normal" than me... it won't effect anything at all with them, so, tell your friend to go for it

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