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I feel so unbelievably lucky :)


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Hi people,

In brief,when i joined ENA only a few weeks back,my life was in the toilet. Even if it wasn't quite in the pan it felt like it. Lonely,invisible & unappreciated is what i felt like..

Since new years eve when my best friend had a stroke,i have been at him & his families beck & call and its been really tough on everyone. Don't get me wrong it hasn't been a chore or anything. Now he is out of hospital & his wife,my friend,has gone in.

The the usual men trouble had me on a downer too. But through all of this dark & stressful time there has been one ray of light just peeping through the gloom & doom.


Her name is Karen & she is my friends aboves neighbour. I didn't know her really,apart from to say hi to. She was also my best friends friend.

Anyway over the past three months or so it has been Karen & i who have been taking the kids to school,cooking,shopping,picking the kids up,keeping our friends company & taking them to hospital etc.

Amazingly while we were pulling together & doing these things Karen & i got close,had drinks & laughs & chats about our hopes & worries.

When my first grandson was born she went out of her way to get me a congratulations card And when a secret party was arranged for my 40th i was overwhelmed to find Karen & her daughter there because she has terrible financial problems. But she came anyway!


When i pulled into my friends driveway yesterday she came running up with a heart shaped fridge magnet saying having a best friend like u is double the fun!lol The picture was of two drinks,we like our girly nights..


She could have the most beloved outfit in her wardrobe but she will willingly let me wear it on a night out if i needed or wanted to..


I could wright so many things about this beautiful woman but it would be so long no one would want to read it!lol

She is without a doubt the most inner beautiful (& outer actually) woman that i have ever met,and i think myself so lucky that our paths crossed....


So for all you lonely people out there like me,and who have very few real friends,don't despair just yet because you just never know when these amazing people are going to walk into your life. And lets face it they are one in a million,thats probably why its taken 40 years to meet her..

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i have 4 maybe.....different friend for different needs


That good! Yes i think i might be like that with my friends,they are all great but in different ways & for different situations..


I think Karen is a good all rounder!

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I have a friend such as this. But I was very lucky to meet her when I was 15. Now at 23 I see how very special I am to have a best friend such as her, even when I don't have many friends at all.


No i don't have many friends,my own doing. I appreciate quality not quantity...


Imagine how you will feel when you hit my age & your friend is still there for you & vice versa..Its just truly amazing isn't it

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It makes me feel that I can face anything in this life. Heartache, loss of jobs, growing up as such. I know she will be there for me and vice versa.


I also at about the age of 20 decided that it was time to cut the ones who I was just quanity with and not quality. It's scary to realize that someone can go from 20-30 friends down to 3.

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It makes me feel that I can face anything in this life. Heartache, loss of jobs, growing up as such. I know she will be there for me and vice versa.


I also at about the age of 20 decided that it was time to cut the ones who I was just quanity with and not quality. It's scary to realize that someone can go from 20-30 friends down to 3.


Haha 20 - 30!! My you were popular!lol


Well i didn't just cut them down in a spring clean!lol They just failed the simplest of tests like honesty,respect etc so they were usually just chucked in the reject bin even though i was very short on company or friends some of time..


Don't get me wrong they turned out to be deceitful horrible people,the reject bin was too good for them!

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Ha hardly new though is it? Unless of course it was Mary Poppins!lol


Well i wouldn't say fun,probably more company really,because we both like texting a lot,and receiving jokes. She has already given my number to one of her men friends bless her,and he just texts asking how my day was & if im going out with Karen,just things like that really,but its nice

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Ha hardly new though is it? Unless of course it was Mary Poppins!lol


Well i wouldn't say fun,probably more company really,because we both like texting a lot,and receiving jokes. She has already given my number to one of her men friends bless her,and he just texts asking how my day was & if im going out with Karen,just things like that really,but its nice


i see.....

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