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Should I call the ex back, its been a week?

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My ex called a week ago and I haven't returned her call. It has been 2 weeks since we actually spoke. We broke up a month ago. It was the third and final time we broke up. Actually she broke up with me all three times, the first time was 2 years ago when she slept with someone behind my back. The second time was this past summer when she broke up because she wanted to go back to her ex. I took her back both times. Both times we maintained contact, and my feelings for her never went away. We would talk weekly or so during the last 2 breakups. I still love her and I'm thinking the only way I will ever get over her is to cut her out of my life completely this time. I mean she's hurt me 3 times and our last time around was full of lies and fickleness on her part. I don't want to be the "bad" person for not calling her back, because we originally agreed to stay friends and talk every once in a while. But I've decided I can't talk to her, what is the point in having her in my life? I don't want to get back with her, i don't want to know if she is back with her ex, i don't want to know what she is up to, period. It would only hurt me. I want to avoid her completely so I can protect myself and move on, after 2 years. I've never cut someone off that I loved, and never by not returning a phone call. Does this seem rude? I just DON'T want to talk to her and have any more pain, even if its the pain explaining to her that I don't want to talk to her. I just don't want to deal with it anymore. Can't I just not call her back, I think she would know why. Does that make me a bad person? When we broke up this last time, she told me I had no backbone, maybe if I don't talk to her anymore it will show her I do have a backbone. She didn't want me, so why should I make her worth my time? Does this sound like plan to get over her, once and for all?

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God, yes drop her! This girl just uses you and it makes me sad to read about how bad she treats you. Maybe a year or so from now when you have moved on you can be friends. Call her when she is at work and you know she cannot talk long, tell her that you need your space. Leave her a message on voice mail, if you really do not want to talk to her. She will have to work out her guilt issues by herself. 3 strikes your out!

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Hey - there's times it is necessary to be a bit selfish and look out for yourself first - and this is one of them. If you don't want to deal with talking to her - don't call her. She went back and forth and hurt you twice that way - if it's going to hurt you again, there's no reason whatsoever to give her a third shot at hurting you more. If she doesn't figure it out this time, if she calls again and you still don't call her back, the hint should get accross! It's not rude, and you shouldn't feel guilty because you're ready to move past her and put your feelings first for a change, you have a right to heal and get on with your life.

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God, yes drop her! This girl just uses you and it makes me sad to read about how bad she treats you. Maybe a year or so from now when you have moved on you can be friends. Call her when she is at work and you know she cannot talk long, tell her that you need your space. Leave her a message on voice mail, if you really do not want to talk to her. She will have to work out her guilt issues by herself. 3 strikes your out!


I see what you mean, but I just don't want to contact her anymore, even to tell her I need space. I don't want to hear her voice or know anything about her life. I don't want to have any type of conversation with her, it only brings me pain.

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