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How to deal with awkwardness.


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There's this girl that I've known for a while now. We met online, went on a few dates, and then just kind of became friends. The dating thing didn't really work out at the time. She told me that she's scared to date right now. She said that she does like me and sees me as someone that she could be with, but she doesn't feel like she can date right now.


She says she's trying to sort out her feelings for me (she doesn't want to lose our friendship or a potential relationship) and I've tried to be patient, but things have gotten very awkward and uncomfortable between us. Mainly because I don't know how she feels or where I stand with here, so I don't really know what to say or do around her. She said that she's feeling the same way.


We're still friends and we still try to hang out together and with our mutual friends, but I feel so uncomfortable around her sometimes. How do I deal with this? What do I say to her?


She told me to be completely honest with my feelings to her and there was one time a couple of weeks ago that I told her my feelings were hurt by sometime she did and that I kind of resent that she hardly calls me and seems to busy for me. That's the only time I've ever made any kind of demands on her time or anything. I'm not pressuring her or anything, and I'm also pursuing other dating options, but I still really like her and would like things to work out. I just don't know what to do about this awkwardness. I think it's killing any attraction either of us might have ever felt for the other one.


We'll probably see each other Thursday night at a friend's birthday dinner, and I'm really worried about how things will go. Any advice?



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She said that she does like me and sees me as someone that she could be with, but she doesn't feel like she can date right now.


She says she's trying to sort out her feelings for me (she doesn't want to lose our friendship or a potential relationship) and I've tried to be patient, but things have gotten very awkward and uncomfortable between us.


SOrry to break it down for you mate but what she is saying is Complete BULL. I have been in two situations like this in the past 3 months and the responses were exactly among these lines. They all think you are a great guy and see you as someone bla bla bla. one think I didn't do was to break it off as soon as possible and move on and I got friendzonized and was much harder for my sake to move one. You are worried how its gonna go with you two at the party, that is the start of you getting attached to her cause you care about all this. break it off with her GO NC or LC and seem really busy to answer her calls. As for how to act in the party can you seem like you don't care and you are just there to have a good time and not there to see her? Alot easier said then done but I think this is the only way you must handle this.

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This girl sounds really lame and is stringing you along. After a few girls that strung me along earlier on in my life, I finally came up with the perfect solution.


Don't call her, ignore her calls for a while. Let princess come down from her pedestal for a while. Then, when she does call, tell her you're sorry you haven't called her back but you've been really busy with work, life, started dating somebody, etc. Act really casual when you mention it.


This shows her that you are a wanted commodity and don't need to sit around for her to make up her mind...you'll make it up for her.


She'll most likely disappear which is good for you because a friendship with her will just mess with your head more. Or she will get her act together and treat your feelings seriously...but like I said don't count on it.


Either way you exit this scenerio with the perception that you have a better option. Yeah it's game playing...but that's exactly what she's doing to you. This way you get the last laugh and can exit with some pride and a good piece of mind.

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