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PMS Pissiness.

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Find a male punching bag and go to town???


I think half the battle is KNOWING you are in that PMS state of mind. So this will help you control the symptoms. A lot of self-talk, hot bubble baths, midol, and a fountain of chocolate with a spout set up at mouth level.

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Find a male punching bag and go to town???


I think half the battle is KNOWING you are in that PMS state of mind. So this will help you control the symptoms. A lot of self-talk, hot bubble baths, midol, and a fountain of chocolate with a spout set up at mouth level.


Im with you!!!! Especially the choc fountain with spout set at mouth level!

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Yes, awareness goes a long way toward controlling that irritability. As does avoiding situations/people that you know are going to piss you off, if it's at all possible. Many times, you can put things off for a few days until you're feeling up to dealing with BS, y'know?


Also, I find strenuous physical activity (like a good cardio workout) can help dissipate some of the annoyance as well.


I also usually let my husband know if I am feeling particularly irritable, as well. Gives him the opportunity to keep a low profile...or at least get a running head start.

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Sure, as long as i'm not rooming with one.


It kind of makes you glad your not a guy having to cope with one of us!



I once read or heard that female boxers were not permitted to fight when they were premenstrual...Im not sure if that rule still stands,but i can certainly understand it. I wonder if it was a man or a woman who made it? lol

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I tell you what I was just thinking about this.


All my friends are guys. All of them. No offense to anybody here but I just can't stand hanging out with normal girly girls. I have no female interests at all except for when I'm pms'ing. It is the worst when you hang out with all guys, they start getting all guy-ish and talking like idiots and I swear to Goddess I just start getting nasty! I have started to warn them all when I start noticing "the change" and the claws start appearing


Even my bf (that I live with) notices and has asked me when I'm going to go back on the pill so my moods go back to normal lol. I have to warn him ahead of time too, and if I don't take some time out for myself both before and after the then all hell breaks loose.


Now I'd suggest that like someone else said to do some strenuous activity, that helps. I punch things. Literally, with a punching bag. I also do some Tai Chi and it helps to settle the mood.


Oh and like we all know, chocolate. Ah dear God I love you chocolate.

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