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No contact for 4 months...and then..? help!

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This may be a tad lengthy/confusing...but I really could use some help so please read! I will try to clear up anything that does make sense..


My ex and I have been broken up for about 4 months. I wrote him a letter a few weeks after the breakup, but got no response. Other than that there has been no contact. We do not even look at each other in the hall ways at school, and I am fine with that.


But a few nights ago he came online (he never comes online) and stayed for about 20 minutes. Then the next night I was away from the computer for a couple hours and I come back to find an IM from a s/n I had never seen before. But before I could ask who it was, they had signed off. So the night after that (last night) the s/n was online so I asked who it was. They pretended not to know me..but I found out it was him because of his IP address. So I humored him for about a half hour and pretended I didn't know who it was. Then at the end of the convo I told him I knew it was him and that I didn't appreciate him talking about me behind my back (I had found out he told some people things about me) and instead of apologizing he says "LOL" and was just a total ass. So I said something pretty mean about him and he did the same. He even came online today and we continued to make fun of each other in a very cruel way until I blocked him.


So I guess I just want people's oppinions. Why would he do this? I know I was wrong to even talk to him. Shame on me...but I feel like crap now. Thanks for reading ... comments/oppinions appreciated!

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