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can i get som opinions and advice!

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Well its me again.

I just need some advice on what you guys think.

okay, well recently I had to go away with the band for a week and a half recording in another state. Anyhow, the week before I went, it was all good. thereforeeeeeee i had to leave my gf at home. While i was away it was all good, she was telling me how much she missed me etc, every night. Eventually when it became time to come home, which i was looking forward to so much, i wanted to see her heaps bad so i tried to get home in good time... I did... and yet she made plans to go out with her friend still, i never ended up seeing her till about 1 am when she was finished. She came home, told me how much she loved me. Anyhow tonight, when she called me, she didn't really want to see me, (we have been going out for two years, and we have been doing kinda the same thing every night, like one big circle). She wanted to stay at her house tonight, wants to be her own person. We used to only spend prolly 4 our of 7 nights together, yet for the last two years we have spend every night together, and I think this might be why we have been having so much trouble.

Anyhow, she is staying at her house tonight, I will see her tomorrow, but I need advice, do you guys think this is the way we can make our relationship work better, by not seeing each other every night??? Any advice is appreciated.

Thankyou for listening.

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Hi Mick,


I have read your posting. Here and there it's somewhat unclear, but basically what you ask is: our relation has been going into a state where things are taken for granted and it looks like your g/f is wanting to make a change to see if things will improve. You seem to have questions over that.


I have a very clear answer on that. Why don't you try and see what will happen? It doesn't look like your g/f is wanting to break up. She just wants to try something else. Love and relations are dynamic things. You have to work on it constantly. My trick is to surprise the woman I am with, so I keep it dynamic. May be that would work with you, as well. She tries by staying home once a while for a change. May be you could do something different? For example: buy her flowers!


I hope this helped some. Good luck!!


~ SwingFox ~

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To answer your question, yes, I believe that people need to have a little bit of time and space to themself. I think maybe she feels that spending every waking moment together is too much. I think you should feel lucky in her decision to just withhold a little and not overwhelm yourselves with eachother. Many people just jump to breaking up saying," They are driving me nuts I cant see them so much!" and end things. This girls wants to stay with you, but she wants to have time to herself as well. I dont think you have anything to worry about...hang in there!

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