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What are u feeling?

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I just spent a sleepless night thinking about HER, literally, not a wink.


just got done exercising though and right now I feel GREAT! I'm gonna get so much school work done today.


I bet I'll feel like this ](*,) at least a dozen times today though.


hopefully tonight i'll be to exhausted to think about her, because she is just not worth it.

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Woo..from that yesterday to dreaming about her and the other guy. I think i am going to rip my head off. The whole night i dreamt about her. Grrr...thats a real setback as i thought i was starting to see a slow but good process. I feel like i just got kicked in the balls..BLAH!



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I'm still waiting to hear about the apartment I'm trying to rent and it seems like it's taking forever. Plus I'm still dealing with the ex. She seems all too content with the idea of me leaving after crying about it two nights ago. I feel a bit like I could puke in that coffee-jittery way.

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not so great.. I managed to go throught the day without crying more than 15 minutes...


I had changed my facebook relationship status to single and wrote that we weren't talking.. He sent me a message saying that he didn't confirm because we weren't "Not talking" in his opinion...




I should stay away from FB...

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I feel very sad!! I keep thinking that she is going to come to her senses and want me back! I know that is not the case, I think I am just having a hard time admitting to myself that it is over. I think I cried today more than I have ever cried before...as an adult anyway.

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drained . . . I rode the emotional roller coaster all day


I wrote my ex an email today telling her how I feel and how sorry I am things ended up this way, but that I forgive her and miss her. it just made me feel worse,I didn't send it though


Luckily my mom was home when I stopped by to see if she wanted to have dinner. she's so great, she knew right away something was wrong gave me a BIIIIIIG hug and told me she loved me. thank god for her!

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I ](*,) with a little of with a ton of all the while being I thought about her all day and all night while at work and at home. She is swimming in my head while i think about her dating another guy as we speak. I am ready to jump off a cliff. That's how bad it's getting. ARG! I think i am going to splurge tomorrow and buy a brand new XBOX 360 seeing as i left it with her! Hug anyone?


*I'm really hurting now. I have no clue what is going on but my heart just feels like it's completely out of my body and the pain is just constant. I think i am going to lose all sense of reality and really start slamming my head into a wall.

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Aww GizMo567 I'd hug you!!

I'm feeling numb, blank, nothing... but at the same time feeling angry with myself and her, frustrated and confused that I don't understand why this has happened or why she's now flirting with me one minute and blanking me the next. I'm so so sad, disappointed and lonely. I feel stupid for letting myself trust her with my heart but I also feel selfish for feeling all of this and not being able to help her and make her feel better. Argh my head is too jumbled and it doesn't seem to be getting any clearer!

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You know - I'm riding the roller coaster. I actually feel a little better.

Flying - We are all going through that. We give our heart to somebody and then out of nowhere, TRAIN WRECK! I guess we all just hold onto the hope that the plan for us in our future includes a significant other that will love us like how we want to be loved and treat us fairly. I think for all of us, there will be someone out there for us. It's just a matter of seeing them when they come into view and maybe, just maybe, have love flood our hearts all over again.


*I haven't but experienced it with someone who threw up every night when thinking about there SO. From what i understand, it's quite common.

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I know what you're saying GizMo567 and I agree I do think there is someone out there for all of us. i don't know if I'll let myself love again though. I find it hard to trust people, I don't think anyone really gets to know me because I don't let people get close. Well this girl was different. Somehow she got to me before I had a chance to push her away and so I've spent the last 2 and a half years opening up to her more and more because I didn't think she'd hurt me. I don't know if I can do that again.

Damn I'm having a bad day today! Yesterday I was actually feeling alright for most of the day!

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Welcome to said roller coaster ride. Get ready for the ride of your life. It really feels like the High Emotion game. Which ever one is strongest comes out. Extreme happy to severe depression to absolute hate to crazy anger. I didn't think i came with this many emotions.

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