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What are u feeling?

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It's kinda hard when your heart won't let you off that easy huh? it's very very very very very very difficult (I don't think i have enough very's to even out the count that you need) It's something we all must go through so we eventually get stronger. If we focus on us and try not to worry about the past we will be okay. It sucks that you were pushed on but the ride you take will make you stronger in the end.

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Its been over 100 days of NC and and 7 months since we were "officially" dating and I still feel like shi*, most of the time.


I keep thinking one of these days he will text or call and

realize what he had and that's the saddest, most pathetic part of it all. Because if he did, I'm pretty sure I would consider it.

I WANT to move on, I WANT to get past this, but I haven't been able to.


7 months seems so long, yet we kept in touch after that, so I think that's why I haven't been able to let go, yet.


Although I'm not crying and anxious everyday, I STILL think of him all the time and know that I probably wont have what I had with anyone else, ever again and that makes me so sad.


IN my life, everytime I have ever broken up with, or was broken up with a guy, there was always psomeone who came into my life to ease the pain. This time around no one has been able to take the pain away.. I dont even want the distraction or to consider dating anyone else....


I need to figure out how to get over this....


So, how am I feeling?



Frustrated...sad....lonely...mad....ever hopeful that him and I were really meant to be and its only a matter of time before he realizes it too


So pathetic

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It's ok far. We are all going through that one way or another. Just try to look forward and start living again. I know how hard it is when he/she was your life, your soul, your heart. It's very very difficult when you lose a loved one and they moved on. All we can do is hope that the right one is coming to find us and we will see them and we will forever be in love. I really do believe in that. Good luck.

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IN my life, everytime I have ever broken up with, or was broken up with a guy, there was always psomeone who came into my life to ease the pain. This time around no one has been able to take the pain away.. I dont even want the distraction or to consider dating anyone else....


thats what i call another one of lifes lessons learned...

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I'm feeling like I am finally taking the right steps to getting over my ex. FINALLY. I was making excuses about HAVING to talk to him in school. I didn't say ONE word to him Friday. And plus, now that I know he is changing just to be "cool" and be with the in group, I have lost any respect for him as a person. My friend is pregnant and just seeing how that group of people are disrespecting her and making her feel like she is the worst thing on earth has made me divorce myself from the hopes of ever getting back together with my ex. In all honesty, I feel disgusted by his weak character and I feel a sense of peace at knowing that he broke up with me because he knew I had a strong character and never would have agreed to become something I'm not.

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i'm feeling the urge to call him but i know i shouldnt. i just want to see how he's doing. i have been thinking of so many good things about him lately and it seems stupid that we couldnt work out what we needed to. i'm ridiculous.

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I'm OK right now. My mum saw the ex tonight, and he was all alone and not sitting with his "friends" who were also there, as they've had a falling out. He was complaining to my mum and she says he souned like an old woman She said she tried to get away (politely) but he just kept on about this guy, and how he does this and that to him. Not even asking how I am once, BTW!! She said he was just sitting there on him lonesome, and then left not long afterward. I must admit I feel kinda lke "Ha ha!" He put those dumb "friends" before me most the time, when they were trying to split us up, and he appreantly had all these plans for 2008 which I think dumping me was a part of...it adds up. So far he may be losing his job, fallen out with his friend, and seem to be alone a hell of a lot! I honestly don't wish him unhappiness....just a little maybe

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I feel alone.

Completely completely completely depressingly alone...


I am confused like heck, wondering why he has been ignoring me for 5 days, and I am driving my friends and everyone else insane, asking them if they think he's going to ever talk to me again.


I think I may have reached the lowest point of my life so far.

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It will be okay speeding. I know it sucks and your heart feels like it's been stomped on but give it time and give him space. It just might be better that you don't hear from him because if you don't hear what you want to hear - the pain only subsides temporarily when you hear from them and if he says that it's over and such - it is only more pain and heartache. Good luck and stay strong.

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Well - i now feel a little bitter and wish she would call but thats normal. I still feel like my heart is in 2390823048230583405683405834 pieces. All the little GizMos inside of me trying to put all the pieces back together are sure taking a long time. I can see them trying to gather it i guess. Kind of hard when the GizMos that started exploded when she dropped the bombshell as they were trying to pick up what was left of heart left by my friends. Unfortunately, after that happened, 1 little GizMo is left picking up all 2390823048230583405683405834 pieces. That's as great analogy as i could come up with. ](*,)

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