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A question about pre-cum


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This question might be kind of stupid but I really have no idea. Ok I've heard of pre-cum on here and looked it up in the web. Basically it's the fluid that ejaculates from a man before coming. I know it can still get you pregnant. But what about after the guy comes? He produces no more of that 'pre-cum'? Let's say you have sex and your partner uses a condom during the act. After ejaculating, he takes the condom off, then goes and urinates and washes up, then he penetrates you again, without a condom of course. Is there still a pregnancy risk????????

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The thing is, I believe people will tell you, "yes there is ALWAYS a risk of pregnancy" "Yes you can get pregnant from pre-cum" etc...just to scare you and make you be careful next time, but that in reality the possibility of getting pregnant is VERY VERY VERY low. Like one in a million. Or even less.

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if you don't want to take our advice, DONT! but if you want to believe that then go ahead, im sure we will be seeing you posting in a month or so that you're pregnant.


The fact is, whenever the penis is in contact with the vagina there is a chance of pregnancy. No matter how small or how large the chance is, the more often you play this game of chance the sooner you're going to end up pregnant. I know many babies that are product of precum. So don't think you're invincible or think you're "smart"

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The thing is, I believe people will tell you, "yes there is ALWAYS a risk of pregnancy" "Yes you can get pregnant from pre-cum" etc...just to scare you and make you be careful next time, but that in reality the possibility of getting pregnant is VERY VERY VERY low. Like one in a million. Or even less.


Well, being unwantingly pregnant is a scary thing. You can even get pregnant if you have underwear on and he comes.


Yes, it is very low, but, hey, someone has to be the statistic.

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Let's say you have sex and your partner uses a condom during the act. After ejaculating, he takes the condom off, then goes and urinates and washes up, then he penetrates you again, without a condom of course. Is there still a pregnancy risk????????


Whwenever there is sex with no condom (or other protection) pregnancy is always a risk.


Pre-cum is just a figure of speech.

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Yes, you're right, it's a lower risk but its definitely not worth the worrying. I can't in good conscious do anything to risk pregnancy, no matter if the odds of pregnancy is 1 out of 1 million. People here aren't really trying to scare you, but just letting you know there is a chance. Yes, its true that urinating flushes out semen, but they are so tiny and there's so many you really can't tell if there is some lagging behind, whether he washed up or not. Basically, it wouldn't be too smart to take the chance. Even more at risk because he had just ejaculated. So if you want to have peace of mind, use a condom and you'll feel much much better after the horny-ness wears off.

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